what may have contributed to Mr Doe’s fall. You need to considerthe environment (bathroom), physical status of Mr Doe, and a review of nursing care and treatment plans, for example was the patient able to self-manage her physical care etc.

what may have contributed to Mr Doe’s fall. You need to considerthe environment (bathroom), physical status of Mr Doe, and a review of nursing care and treatment plans, for example was the patient able to self-manage her physical care etc.

References need to be peer reviewed and less than 5 years old

What happened

Mr.Doe from bed 2 room 7 was found lying prostrate on the

floor beside her bed. At the time he was clothed and had been preparing to go to the toilet I rang the emergency button for assistance,
assessed the immediate environment for potential/actual hazards (non found), and then went to the aid of Mr Doe. I checked Mr Doe’s vital
signs (pulse 100, respirations 22, skin pallor, cold and clammy ) and level of consciousness (able to respond to verbal commands). l
indicated to him that assistance was on the way. I covered him with a blanket and put a pillow offthe bed under his head for comfort
without changing her body alignment. l enquired as to whether he was in pain. Mr Doe indicated that he had considerable pain as he hit his
head when he fell ( on the bedside table) . At 3 pm the medical team arrived and conducted a full physical assessment and neurological
examination.. At 9.15am Mr Doe was transported to xray for a CT scan forfurther investigations. At 9.3oam Mr Doe’s immediate family wer
notified ofthe incident. Documentation ofthe incident was completed by 4 pm.

Contributing factors.

In this section you need to outline

what may have contributed to Mr Doe’s fall. You need to considerthe environment (bathroom), physical status of Mr Doe, and a review of
nursing care and treatment plans, for example was the patient able to self-manage her physical care etc. You also need to be able to talk
with Mr Doe if appropriate to find out what her story is.

Literature review

Your review ofliterature needs to focus on the incident and

contributing factors for instance, is there any research that talks about such an incident and what does it say in terms of supporting your
situation. Here you need to outline the focus ofthe study, the design of study undertaken (qual or quant), number of subjects in the study
and what the study found. At the end of your review you need to draw conclusions ofwhat the findings ofthe literature suggest about what
needs to be done to change practice ifindicated.

Outcomes and implications.

What was the outcome for Mr Doe? What are the implications

for policy change as a result ofthe incident, for instance, is there need for policy review or staff education concerning the type of

incident etc?


Depending on the incident you should reference you material. It is not about the number of references but the

quality of yourwork in your use of references in describing what research on yourtopic has been undertaken




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The post what may have contributed to Mr Doe’s fall. You need to considerthe environment (bathroom), physical status of Mr Doe, and a review of nursing care and treatment plans, for example was the patient able to self-manage her physical care etc. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.





The debate over whether physician-assisted suicide is ethical and should be legal has persisted for many years. Although many people feel the taking of a life is morally and biblically wrong, legalizing physician-assisted suicide can be a compassionate way to end suffering and pain due to terminal illness and provide a level of control for the patient over his or her own death.


I. Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

A. Definition and History

B. Dr. Jack Kevorkian

II. Euthanasia

A. Passive Euthanasia

B. Active Euthanasia

III. Patient Self-Determination Act

IV. Constitutional Rights

A. Equal protection clause – 14th Amendment to the Constitution

1. Basic component of human freedom

2. Right to decide one’s own destiny (autonomy)

B. 9th Amendment to the Constitution

V. Social Policy

A. Litigation

1. United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

2. United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

B. Legislation

1. Death with Dignity Act – Measure 16 (Oregon)

C. Doctors’ participation in PAS

VI. Legal Precedents

A. In re Quinlan, 70 NJ. 10, 355 A.2d 647, 664 (1976)

B. Vacco v. Quill, 521 U.S. 793 (1997)

C. Gonzales v. Oregon, 546 U.S. 243 (2006)

VII. Biblical Viewpoint

VIII. Conclusion

IX. References

Annas, G.J. (1976). Law and the life sciences: In re Quinlan: Legal comfort for doctors. The Hastings Center Report, 6(3), 29-31.
Bostrom, B.A. (2006). Gonzales v. Oregon. Issues in Law & Medicine, 21(3), 203-210.
Bross, W. & Ivey, J. (2006). Healthcare issues—patient self determination acts and informed consent. Alabama Nurse, 32(4), 9.
Bruder, P. (1996). Reaping the whirlwind: Legalizing assisted suicide. Hospital Topics, 74(3), 8-10.
Delka, L. (1995). Constitutional law: Physician-assisted suicide, crime or compassion? Washburn Law Journal, 35, 197-211.
Devlin, M. (1996). Quill v. Vacco. Issues in Law & Medicine, 12(1), 65-67.
Feinberg, B. (1998). The court upholds a state law prohibiting physician-assisted suicide. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 88(3), 847-876.
George, K. (2007). A woman’s choice? The gendered risks of voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Medical Law Review, 15, 1-33.
Hosseini, H.M. (2012). Ethics, the illegality of physician assisted suicide in the United States, and the role and ordeal of Dr. Jack Kevorkian before his death. Review of European Studies, 4(5), 203-209.
Keown, D. & Keown, J. (1995). Killing, karma and caring: Euthanasia in Buddhism and Christianity. Journal of Medical Ethics, 21, 265-269.
Martyn, S.R. & Bourguignon, H.J. (2000). Now is the moment to reflect: Two years of experience with Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law. The Elder Law Journal, 8, 1-56.
Morgan, R.C. & Sutherland, D.D. (1996). Last Rights? Confronting physician-assisted suicide in law and society: Legal liturgies on physician-assisted suicide. Stetson Law Review, 26(2), 481-528.
Stansbury, K.M. (1996). Health law—physician assisted suicide—due process, the right to die, equal protection and slippery slopes. Land and Water Law Review, 31, 623-644.
Valente, S.M. (2004). End-of-life challenges: Honoring autonomy. Cancer Nursing, 27(4), 314-319.




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Identify creative ideas that will address the numerous characteristics of this populationPertinent references that support your ideas

Identify creative ideas that will address the numerous characteristics of this population
Pertinent references that support your ideas

Information Technology and Human Factors Paper

Order Description

prepare your responses to a series of questions that you have hypothetically been given by the executive management team at a healthcare facility. You are being interviewed by this team for an advanced practice nursing position and your responses should address the following three questions:

How would you envision using information and communication technologies to support and augment your role as an advanced practice nurse in our healthcare facility?

Given the growing net-savvy, empowered consumers, how will you transform your practice to accommodate these patients?

What are the top three human computer interface (HCI) issues that you identify for an informatics tool you expect to use in our organization? And what ideas or suggestions do you have to address these top three HCI issues?

The following critical elements will be used to assess this assignment. Your prepared remarks should cover the following for each of the three major questions:

Question 1:

Description of the role you are applying for in this interview. You get to decide this
Description of how you will use information and communication tools to support this role
Statement as to how these tools will address two pressing issues of safety and the nursing shortage
Pertinent references that support your ideas

Question 2:

Description of how your practice will accommodate the net-savvy, empowered consumer population
Identify creative ideas that will address the numerous characteristics of this population
Pertinent references that support your ideas

Question 3:

Description of the selected tool to answer this question
Identification of the top three human computer interface issues
Suggestions or ideas to address these HCI issues
Pertinent references that support your ideas
Paper should use language that:

Complies with standard English usage and APA guidelines
Is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format
Reflects language consistent with professional practice and appropriate for the audience
Is focused, well organized, and unified
1-inch margins and 12-point font, 2 spaces after periods
Provides adequate supporting ideas and examples with proper citations




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The post Identify creative ideas that will address the numerous characteristics of this populationPertinent references that support your ideas appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

Using The Population Health Promotion model, select 3 determinants of health and complete an assessment in relation to your identified aggregate.

Using The Population Health Promotion model, select 3 determinants of health and complete an assessment in relation to your identified aggregate.

conduct a partial community assessment, and to diagnose areas of need for health promotion related to an identified aggregate in Canada

The purpose of this assignment is to provide conduct a partial community assessment, and to diagnose areas of need for health promotion related to an identified aggregate in Canada
Choose one of the following to complete this assignment:
Using The Population Health Promotion model, select 3 determinants of health and complete an assessment in relation to your identified aggregate.
Using the Community-as-Partner model, select 3 segments from the community assessment wheel and complete an assessment in relation to your identified aggregate.
Marking Criteria
The aggregate is clearly identified.
Assessment data related to the model chosen and the identified aggregate is clearly recorded. (May be point form and appended)
Demographic and epidemiologic data is included where appropriate.
Assessment methods utilized or suggestions as to which methods of assessment would be utilized are discussed.
Synthesis and analysis of the data is succinct, with data gaps clearly identified.
Community diagnosis is clearly written in relation to the analysis of the data.
The process utilized or suggestions to include the aggregate in both the data collection and community diagnosis process are discussed.
APA (6th. ed.) scholarly format ? 8 pages(excluding title and reference pages).
All information is correctly referenced and cited. Any plagiarism will result in a zero.
The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts of this course and provide an assessment of a Canadian aggregate, identifying their strengths and their needs using the Community as Partner model or the Population Health Model, that results in a community nursing diagnosis. This assignment is so much more rewarding when you can choose an aggregate that interests you. The assignment will be easier when you have easy access or have experience working with this aggregate. Once you have chosen the aggregate and decided how to approach the assignment, the rest will flow more easily. When choosing the aggregate, note the definition of the aggregate. Include social demographics i.e. age, sex, ethnicity, culture, education, employment levels, socioeconomic status and the aggregate’s i.e. history, values and beliefs; include area boundaries of your aggregate. For example the homeless population in downtown Calgary specifies an area boundary.
Caution when assessing the aggregate that bias does not occur from predicting the community diagnosis or program before assessing the aggregate. You may have some ideas what the issues could be in advance; however, it is important to gather information from the aggregate, from key informants and also through Canada or city census and/through credible literature sources. Determine what the issues or stressors are as you assess the chosen aggregate. What factors lead to a good health status? What issues does this aggregate see as being the most important to them? What does the aggregate identify as being most significant? Using literature and statistics to support your findings is also an essential part of this process. This provides you with broad knowledge of the aggregate. The community diagnosis needs to be developed as a result of the assessment and analysis of the data. Finally, formulate the community diagnosis that includes the 4 parts as presented in Canadian Community as Partner Text. Page 281. The priority aggregate and diagnosis will be used for the second paper




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How have you applied person-centred care to the case scenario and what framework have you utilised? Refer to your FILA, SOAP and SBAR documentations + evidence from the literature.

How have you applied person-centred care to the case scenario and what framework have you utilised? Refer to your FILA, SOAP and SBAR documentations + evidence from the literature.

clinical decision making and reasoning 4 pages reflective writing 1 page

Order Description

This written assessment piece is based on the following clinical scenario.

Case: Mr Larry Lyons

Mr Larry Lyons is admitted to the East Wing surgical ward of University Hospital and scheduled for a cholecystectomy. It is intended that the procedure will be performed by laparoscopy, however a laparotomy may be required. As part of his perioperative care you are required to plan his nursing intervention for perioperative care (see Skill 36-1 in your Dempsey text).

On admission you documented his vital signs as follows:

Vital signs: T 376C, P 106, RR 22, BP 140/94, SpO2 97%, Wt 60 kg, Ht 198cm

UA: + protein, + blood, ++ nitrites, pH 5

Pain score: 6/10
Mr Lyons states to you that although he is willing to have an operation that may involve additional procedures, that is the laparotomy, he is unwilling and fundamentally opposed to providing consent for a blood transfusion.
Part 1: Documentations
1.Glosssary of terms – define a minimum of 12 healthcare terminologies and abbreviations pertaining to this case and those used in your documentations.
2.Case analysis: Using the FILA framework, analyse the clinical situation and plan your nursing intervention (2 – 4 pages).
3.Nursing documentation: Using the SOAP Framework, prepare your documentation for Mr Lyon’s care.
4.Handover: Using the SBAR Framework, prepare your handover nursing notes.

Part 2: Essay

Clinical decision making and reasoning: This is a written assignment in essay format (1000-1200 words). Based on your analysis and documentations, (refer to your completed FILA, nursing documentation and handover notes) and using evidence in the literature, explain your clinical decisions and responses to the case scenario. Use the following points to guide your essay writing:
1.How would you introduce the case scenario and your assessment of Mr Lyons?
2.How would you discuss the nursing interventions you have identified in the case scenario and what evidence have you used to support your clinical decisions and actions? Refer to your FILA and SOAP notes + evidence from the literature.
3.How have you applied person-centred care to the case scenario and what framework have you utilised? Refer to your FILA, SOAP and SBAR documentations + evidence from the literature.
4.What is your position regarding Mr Lyons’ disclosure of his issues of informed consent (see Chapter 11 in your Dempsey text) around blood transfusion? Refer to your FILA, SOAP and SBAR documentation + evidence from the literature.
5.How would you summarise your clinical findings and do you have any recommendations?

Part 3: Reflective written piece concerning your professional learning and development as a nurse

Professional growth through learning: Throughout the semester, we have placed great emphasis on person-centred care, professionalism and ethical practice as core to the practice of a responsible nurse. Ensure that you have a good understanding of these concepts when responding to Part 3 Assessment task 3.
•Prepare a one (1) page summary of your learning journey of responsible nursing practice, focusing on the key concepts: person-centred care, professionalism and ethical practice. As this is a reflective writing piece, use the first person approach, i.e. use of pronouns such as “I” or “me” is expected.
Parts 1 & 2 of Assessment task 3 form part of your written assignment in essay format. Your written assignment must adhere to academic writing conventions, i.e. you need to present arguments and opinions, and use evidence from the literature to support your position, using appropriate referencing conventions. Use the A3 Marking Criteria when preparing your essay.

Your essay must be organised as follows:

Introduction – See Part 2, Question 1

Body – See Part 2, Questions 2, 3, 4

Conclusion – See Part 2, Question 5

References – Include at least 3-6 scholarly journal articles + text




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The post How have you applied person-centred care to the case scenario and what framework have you utilised? Refer to your FILA, SOAP and SBAR documentations + evidence from the literature. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

Clarify the major problem or problems in the case.Develop solutions be considered, Select the solutions you feel that will :prevented what has already happened AGAIN,correct the present situation,avoid similar problems in the future. Evaluate the generated Solutions.

Clarify the major problem or problems in the case.Develop solutions be considered, Select the solutions you feel that will :prevented what has already happened AGAIN,correct the present situation,avoid similar problems in the future. Evaluate the generated Solutions.

This is business plan; it has to be written according to instructions. And use the actual plan templet that is attached. 2500 words required.
Those are the core area that you have to focus on:-Lack of leadership,Quality care (medication error, and patient fall, patient care),Budget and Human resources.
The references that have to used are Australian nursing standrads, international council of nursing standards and Australian collage of operating room nurses
Instruction and guidlines
Summary of the key issues
In this section you need to identify the key issues that you have found reading the case study and present them in a summary form that executives will read and take notice.
Analysis of the situation
What is the health service unit achieving and what are the opportunities for improvement?
Are there areas that could be improved in the pre-service, service delivery or after service areas?
What needs corrective actions
If there are areas for improvement what recommendations would you make regarding the identified areas?
Financial Analysis – variance management to state what was budgeted and what actually occurred. Include in this section what you would recommend to change negative variances.
Development of an implementation plan
In this section you are required to develop an implementation plan that address areas that you have identified need improvement. In this section you should expand on your recommendation and provided scholarly references that support the course of action that you have suggested.
Benchmarks to measure success
This area should include how the health service unit will know that it has achieved success and how does this ranking against other units.
The conclusion should be a short summary of your analysis highlighting the key points. It is important not to introduce any new concepts or findings. This section identifies that the proposed implementation plan will address any areas requiring attention or improvement.
Gain an Overview of the Case.
This is achieved by reading the case to gain an understanding of the main issues, events and problems.
Establish What has Happened. Note what has happened in detail.Try to establish the who, what, where and when of the situation. See if any of the theories or knowledge you have studied applied i.e. leadership, budget, quality .Determine the Causes. Assess each issue and determine why it has happened:Leadership issues may relate to the unit not achieving the required objectives, staff morale problemsQuality issues high infection rates or low patient satisfaction. No clinical guidelines
Budget – an overspend or not using budget allocation appropriately

Develop Possible Solutions
After considering what has happened and why you should develop a number of possible solutions.
Clarify the major problem or problems in the case.Develop solutions be considered, Select the solutions you feel that will :prevented what has already happened AGAIN,correct the present situation,avoid similar problems in the future. Evaluate the generated Solutions. Thoroughly consider each possible solution detailing exactly what would need to be done to implement it.In the detailing process, you should note any constraints or impediments that are likely to make it difficult or impossible to implement any of the possible solutions,The constrains may be financial, technological, physical facilitates or human resources.
Formulate Recommendations.
Finally, you should now be in a position to recommend exactly what should be done to the executive to correct the problem or problems identified.
The recommended solution may be one of those considered previously, or some combination of particular solutions that is most likely to work, given the circumstances.
In making this final recommendation, a comprehensive view of the situation should be taken.
A preferred solution, for example, should not create more problems in other work sections than it solves in the work section being studied. In some cases it may be best to try relatively simple and inexpensive solutions first, with a contingency plan to try more elaborate solutions if the first ones fail.
Developing Action Plans




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The post Clarify the major problem or problems in the case.Develop solutions be considered, Select the solutions you feel that will :prevented what has already happened AGAIN,correct the present situation,avoid similar problems in the future. Evaluate the generated Solutions. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

Consider how epidemiologic data has been used to design population health measures and policy initiatives in addressing this issue.

Consider how epidemiologic data has been used to design population health measures and policy initiatives in addressing this issue.

factors that impact population health

While nursing care has traditionally been centered on individuals, the emerging focus of population health allows nurses to take a broader view for improving health outcomes. This wider perspective means that nurses may now examine a range of factors that influence populations as a whole, rather than focus solely on individual patients.
This week, you will evaluate factors that impact population health, and thus, the health care system. These factors include access to health care, individual behavior, the social and physical environment, and genetics. You will also consider the role of epidemiologic data in the process of evaluating the health of a population.
U.S. History.org. (2010). The electric Ben Franklin. Retrieved from http://www.ushistory.org/franklin/quotable/quote67.htm
*Analyze factors that influence a population health issue
*Apply the use of epidemiologic data to the design of population health measures and policy initiatives
Did you know that the United States has a higher rate of infant mortality than Japan (CIA, n.d.)? Or, as
Dr. Beilenson states in this week’s media presentation, that “your zip code that you live in makes these differences in health outcomes?
To effectively develop policies and programs to improve population health, it is useful to use a framework to guide the process. Different organizations and governmental agencies (for example, Healthy People 2020) have created a variety of such frameworks, which establish measures for assessing population health. These measures frequently are derived from the examination of epidemiologic data, which include key measures of population health such as mortality, morbidity, life expectancy, etc. Within each measure are a variety of progress indicators that use epidemiologic data to assess improvement or change.
For this Discussion, you will apply a framework developed by Kindig, Asada, and Booske (2008) to a population health issue of interest to you. This framework includes five key health determinants that should be considered when developing policies and programs to improve population health: access to health care, individual behavior, social environment, physical environment, and genetics.
To prepare:
*Review the article “A Population Health Framework for Setting National and State Health Goals,” focusing on population health determinants.
•Review the information in the blog post “What Is Population Health?”
•With this information in mind, elect a population health issue that is of interest to you.
•Using this week’s Learning Resources, the Library, and other relevant resources, conduct a search to locate current data on your population health issue.
•Consider how epidemiologic data has been used to design population health measures and policy initiatives in addressing this issue.
Post a summary of how the five population health determinants (access to health care, individual behavior, social environment, physical environment, and genetics) affect your selected health issue, and which determinants you think are most impactful for that particular issue and why. Explain how epidemiologic data supports the significance of your issue, and explain how this data has been used in designing population health measures and policy initiatives.

•Kovner, A. R., & Knickman, J. R. (Eds.). (2011). Health care delivery in the United States (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
•Chapter 5, “Population Health” (pp. 85–102)
Kindig, D. (2007). Understanding population health terminology. The Milbank Quarterly, 85(1), 139–161.
Kindig, D., Asada, Y., & Booske, B. (2008). A population health framework for setting national and state health goals. JAMA, 299(17), 2081–2083.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Morbidity and mortality weekly report (MMWR). State health statistics. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/StateHealth/index.html
HealthyPeople.gov. (2010). Foundation health measures. Retrieved from http://healthypeople.gov/2020/about/tracking.aspx
State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Communities and Charles Sturt University. (2012). Core 1: Health priorities in Australia: How are priority issues for Australia’s health identified? Retrieved from http://hsc.csu.edu.au/pdhpe/core1/focus/focus1_1/4003/health_pri1_1_1.htm
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/TopicsObjectives2020/pdfs/HP2020_brochure_with_LHI_508.pdf
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Healthy People 2020 – Improving the health of Americans. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx
University of Wisconsin Department of Population Health Sciences. (n.d.). What is population health? Retrieved from http://www.improvingpopulationhealth.org/blog/what-is-population-health.html




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The post Consider how epidemiologic data has been used to design population health measures and policy initiatives in addressing this issue. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

Critique is articulated clearly, concisely and uses appropriate research terminology. Contains correct identification of the methodology used in the research

Critique is articulated clearly, concisely and uses appropriate research terminology. Contains correct identification of the methodology used in the research

Critically appraise ‘Rickard, C.M., Webster, J., Wallis, M.C., Marsh, N., McGrail, M.R., French, V., Foster, L., Gallagher, P., Gowardman, J.R., Zhang, L., McClymont, A., & Whitby, M. (2012). Routine versus clinically indicated replacement of peripher

Critically appraise ‘Rickard, C.M., Webster, J., Wallis, M.C., Marsh, N., McGrail, M.R., French, V., Foster, L., Gallagher, P., Gowardman, J.R., Zhang, L., McClymont, A., & Whitby, M. (2012). Routine versus clinically indicated replacement of peripheral intravenous catheters: a randomised controlled equivalence trial. Lancet, 380, 1066-1074.The critique should focus on the methodology, results, implications for clinical practice and further research. Use the structured format for critique provided on the vUWS site as a guide for the essay. Please choose the correct critique check list(eg. Schulz, K. F., Altman, D. G., & Moher, D.(2010) CONSORT 2010 Statement:updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials. Open Medicine, 4(1):E60.) for the research design of the study being evaluated.

Please follow the marking criteria for assignment.

Conceptualisation of the question or problem is sound. Includes a clear, relevant statement about the importance of the research question/problem to nursing (ie something that is a nursing responsibility).

Critique of methodology and key aspects of the research paper are addressed using the CONSORT checklist (each items). Critique is articulated clearly, concisely and uses appropriate research terminology. Contains correct identification of the methodology used in the research. Critique is relevant and accurate and focuses on the major areas of strengths and/or weaknesses of the research. The critique uses appropriate and accurate research terminology. The writing style demonstrates use of sophisticated vocabulary and accurate grammar and the spelling is accurate. Critical analysis of findings is evident. The key findings for the study are presented.

Conclusions are drawn and implications for health professionals and further research are highlighted Conclusions based on the research finding are stated. The potential significance of the research findings for health professionals is clearly and comprehensively presented. Suggestions for further research are clearly stated.




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The post Critique is articulated clearly, concisely and uses appropriate research terminology. Contains correct identification of the methodology used in the research appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

Expressed Need Expressed need refers to what can be inferred about the health need of a community by observation of the community’s use of services. (e.g. demand for a new service, long waiting lists). Expressed need can however be misinterpreted. A need may exist but because there is no service in place to meet it, the expressed need may not be identified. Furthermore, long waiting lists at a health service may be the result of inefficiency and not about the size of the group wanting to be treated.

Expressed Need Expressed need refers to what can be inferred about the health need of a community by observation of the community’s use of services. (e.g. demand for a new service, long waiting lists). Expressed need can however be misinterpreted. A need may exist but because there is no service in place to meet it, the expressed need may not be identified. Furthermore, long waiting lists at a health service may be the result of inefficiency and not about the size of the group wanting to be treated.

Critique of a micro teaching session

Order Description

Critique of a micro teaching session
Watch that Video and Critique it
The video is (Norm Life be in it)

Norm life be in it

For the purpose of this assessment you will need to use the framework to identify if this advertisement is relevant for the health needs for 2015.
Using the framework identified by Bradshaw (1972) Typology of Needs you are required to critique and review the selected advertisement to identify the following:
1. Felt need (Was this a community need? This is normally identified by questioning members of the public to identify what people say they need or require
2. Expressed need (what is demonstrated by peoples use of services or demands for more services)
3. Normative need (determined by experts based on research and professional opinion: what does the literature say)
4. Comparative need (compare one geographical area to another: compare like Sydney to Melbourne, Albury and Bendigo) Similar demographics and differing services

Bradshaw (1972) suggests there are four dimensions or different types of need.
It is important to tap into each type of need to increase the chance of constructing a comprehensive picture of community problems.
1. Normative Need Normative need refers to what expert opinion based on research defines as need. For example, the National Health and Medical Research Council recommends all children aged 12 – 15 months be vaccinated against measles. This indicates a health need, if data indicates that many children are not immunised.
2. Expressed Need Expressed need refers to what can be inferred about the health need of a community by observation of the community’s use of services. (e.g. demand for a new service, long waiting lists). Expressed need can however be misinterpreted. A need may exist but because there is no service in place to meet it, the expressed need may not be identified. Furthermore, long waiting lists at a health service may be the result of inefficiency and not about the size of the group wanting to be treated.
3. Comparative Need Comparative need is derived from examining the services provided in one area to one population and using this information as the basis to determine the sort of services required in another area with a similar population. When assessing comparative need the level of service provision in the reference area must be appropriate in the first place. Be cautious that data collected may in fact be due to over-servicing or under-servicing by service providers rather than an indication of true need for the service by health consumers.
4. Felt Need Felt need is what people in your community say they want or feel they need. Common methods of assessing felt needs are household opinion surveys, phone-ins, public meetings and calling for submissions from those in the community. When determining felt needs, there are three things to note: • People have a tendency to express needs in terms of a solution eg. More nursing home beds. • People may be representing themselves or others. • The level of expectation in relation to services may influence felt need. (Source: Hawe, Degeling & Hall, 1990 / ACT Health Promotion 2009.




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The post Expressed Need Expressed need refers to what can be inferred about the health need of a community by observation of the community’s use of services. (e.g. demand for a new service, long waiting lists). Expressed need can however be misinterpreted. A need may exist but because there is no service in place to meet it, the expressed need may not be identified. Furthermore, long waiting lists at a health service may be the result of inefficiency and not about the size of the group wanting to be treated. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.

You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the advanced practice nurses and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.

You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the advanced practice nurses and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.

Critical Appraisal of Evidenced-based Guidlines

Treating Depression in Older Adults: Challenges to Implementing the Recommendations of an Expert Panel
Strictly APA by the publication manual of the American psychological association 6th edition second practice. Write in Third person only. Special attention to the reference page, title page Verb/noun agreement. Grammar is big. Masters level/DNP [doctor of nursing practice. Introduction and conclusions required. Use headings when needed. Thesis statement pivotal, conclusion critical
Articles and AGREE tool will be loaded after the bid. Please do not take this assignment if u don’t know how to critically appraise evidenced-based studies.
Critical Appraisal of Evidence-based Guidelines Select a guideline based on the IOM area of interest that you identified in the introduction thread. You will choose a critical appraisal tool (such as the AGREE tool, CASP, the CONSORT tool, the TREND statement, McMaster Critical review form, …) to critique the guideline. The tool must match the type of guideline chosen (TREND for non-randomized controlled trials, for example).
This assignment will provide you the opportunity to critically appraise evidence-based guidelines. You are continuing to advance your search and critically appraising selected evidence. Select an evidence based guideline from your initial and ongoing search. Use the various EBP Resources and Tools provided in the lesson to locate evidence based guidelines.
/3 selection of an appropriate appraisal tool, with justification
/2: Selection of an evidence-based guideline.
/10: Using criteria (AGREE tool, other resources), critically appraises each item (domain, category) of the evidence-based guideline, paying attention to levels of evidence used in developing guideline (consider grey literature as well).
/5: Categorize process and outcome measures using outcome evaluation methods.
/5: Conclusion: summary of the critique of the guidelines – not more than a page
Additional points will be deducted:
A pdf copy of the assignment should also be uploaded in the assignment section of the course. approved title page should be used for the pdf copy of the assignment. 10% deduction for no, or late, pdf submission.
Please note: Up to 20% of points will be deducted from grade for lack of scholarship.
Scholarship Expectations
You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the advanced practice nurses and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.
Organized and logical progression of ideas; effort and attention to detail is evident; communicates effectively all aspect
I want to remind you to make sure that you reference where you learned what something is…Variables are XXX according to Polit and Beck (2011). The varibles identified in this study were..




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The post You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the advanced practice nurses and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments. appeared first on THE NURSING PROFESSIONALS.