Water Table Contour Map

Answer the question from Water Quality Exercise Background and  generate the water table contour map

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Two 300 Words Essay+2 Paragraph Reflection

A. Is there any evidence that global warming is responsible for melting the world’s glaciers?  For this discussion:

1.  Find 2 scientific articles (with opposing viewpoints) which address the above question and post a 250 word summary on each.

2.  Which position do you agree with and why?

3.  If significant melting is occuring, what might be the global implications?

4.  Please provide Google Earth views of the glaciers you have chosen to investigate.

B.  read articles and write 1 paragraph review for each article

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Africa Study Homework

 a) With examples, define and explain the term ‘natural resources’

b) Identify and explain four factors responsible for the over exploitation of natural resources and environmental degradation in Africa.

Standard Rules: Upload a word document. 12pt font size. Times New Roman. 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margins. APA style citations (both in-text and reference page)

300 Words Answer + Paragraph Review For Each Article

A. 300 words answer 

Food for thought…..Class, what type of impact can online learning have on the environment, specifically related to energy conservation?

Please come up with your own assumptions and conduct your own evaluation.

For example, I might collect the following information to try to see how much greenhouse gas reductions could occur by having students learn online:

50 students in class

Each would normally drive 50 miles round trip, 3 days a week for 15 weeks.

Student cars average 15 miles per gallon

How many pounds of CO2 are emitted for each gallon of gas burned?

How much energy is used by a computer instead?
B.  read articles and write 1 paragraph review for each article

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GLOBAL CHANGE & EARTH SCIENCE/ What Makes A Planet Habitable?

What Makes a Planet Habitable

The geological history of Earth and the history of life on Earth are intricately intertwined. Earth would be a very different place today if life had not evolved on Earth, and at the same time geological events have greatly affected the course that evolution has taken on Earth. Considering these statements, how likely is it that that astronomers will eventually discover life on other planets? In other words, what requirements were needed for life to originate on Earth? How likely is it that other planetary objects in the universe also meet these requirements? Consider also a related question: how likely is that a planet will be found that is capable of supporting life, but does not have any living organisms present?

(cite any outside sources)

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Research A Significant Paleontology (Fossils) Discovery In The Past 30 Years.

Research a significant paleontology (fossils)  discovery  in the past 30 years. In three typed double-spaced (or less than double-spaced if you have more to say) report on: 

What was discovered, where? how, and when?

How does this discovery change our understanding of life/ evolution/ extinction.

Why it is significant?

What the skeptics say and what are the competing thoughts are about this discovery and why? 


Sign UP on the Discussion Board for your choice under Paleo Discovery- Project Test #3

Three pages of your report. No pictures on these pages.

Fourth Page is references.

Additional pages are pictures.