Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Write a 2 pages paper on independent study for november 7. Poems Relating to Veterans and/or Veteran’s Day Brian Turner’s poem, “Here, Bullet” is a poem that describes the bullet and the human reactions to the bullet. He depicts the bullet as an evil thing. The poem is packed with figurative language and mostly personification which is the major style in this poem. By personifying the bullet, Turner speaks to the bullet as a villain and even challenges it. He says, “And I dare you to finish / what you’ve started”. He described the pain caused by the bullet to the body as an explosion which causes pain and eventually kills as shown by the phrase, “Bullet, here is where the world ends, every time”. The significance of this poem is that Turner has removed the blame to the terrorists who fire the gun but instead, he blames the gun by making it responsible through personification. Yusef Komunyakaa’s poem “Facing It” is another military poem about a painful experience suffered by a Vietnam War veteran when he visited a Vietnam veteran Memorial. Komunyakaa uses the first person to create a symbolic setting of the memorial sculptures by drawing its physical properties. His descriptions create a ghostly reflection of the settings which has been clogged by his military experiences. The poem shows that the many survivors of the war come to a dead end upon visiting a memorial site. The military people are also taken to be unable to experience the present or the future without interference from the memories of the war. As such, they keep on grieving even when safe from the war. “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” by Randall Jarrell is a short poem which is filled with condensed brevity and shocking violence. This gives the poem a rather immediate and durable impact to the readers. This is partly due to the tittle of the poem depicting that it is written from the poem of view of the dead gunner. Jarrell paints an uncomfortable picture about his sympathetic situation by precise choice of diction. The gunner seems like a small child who has lost the comfort of his biological mother to land into the hand of the state. By alluring to paradox of ‘birth” and “death”, he is able to present the trauma undergone by gunners. “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen is a poem which describes the general conditions of the military in war especially when attacked and presents the effects of such an experience through the eyes of a person who has lived through the experience. The poem depicts the soldier’s situation as utterly frightening and life-threatening when they are gas attacked and have to retreat. The soldiers live though had moments as they are fatigued and are unable to walk as some are even limping. Even at death, the soldiers are happy to patriotic to their country. “11/11/11” poem by Christina Lovin is a description of the pain which the society and families of fallen soldiers go through when they remember their departure. The pain of losing people in war distracts normal occurrences every time bereaved people hear the funeral drum in commemoration of the dead soldiers. We can feel the Lovin’s pain as she remember the death of her here brothers who died in war. This poem is a reflection of pain from the view point of the society as opposed to the soldiers themselves. Works CitedBrian Turner, Here, Bullet. Alice James Books. 1 edition, November 1, 2005. Print. Christina Lovin, 11/11/11. English and Theatre Department at Eastern Kentucky University. 2007. Print. Randall Jarrell. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner. B0007JK5ZE. 1945. Print. Yusef Komunyakaa, Facing It. Wesleyan University Press. 198. Print. Wilfred Owen. Dulce et Decorum Est. The Avid Tutor.

Social Work homework help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on A Knowledge Management Framework for Expert Decision Making. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. tructured analytics provides a repository of structured data in the form of presentable reports and charts which facilitates easy decision making .Off late organizations use variety of tools and methods to perform analysis on structured data as per their requirements in various fields like finance , supply chain management , forecasting etcData is available for an organization from various unstructured sources like emails, web sites, news articles, government notices, pre existing company records etc. Though data available from these sources are useful they are haphazardly organized and hence it becomes very difficult for various stake holders to understand and take a well informed decision. In order to organize the available unorganized data organizations make use of Information Technology for data structuring which can be defined as‘As a specialized format for organizing and storing data. General data structure types include the array, the file, the record, the table, the tree, and so on. Any data structure is designed to organize data to suit a specific purpose so that it can be accessed and worked with in appropriate ways. In computer programming, a data structure may be selected or designed to store data for the purpose of working on it with various algorithms’.Data once structured are used for creating reports and charts through IT applications / tools which mine the available structured data as per user’s requirement. These IT applications / tools are very user friendly and customizable.In modern day’s business, structured analytics is utilized in building domain specific tools which applies domain specific formulas and calculations over voluminous data which is either pre existing or acquired over runtime. Some of the prominent and generic analytics tools used are stock trend charts, web site hit ratio analytics, foreign exchange charts etc. These tools provide customized looks ups, charts, statistical forecasts, etc.

Gender Studies homework help

Compose a 6000 words assignment on product design and its impact on functional product information. Needs to be plagiarism free! Marketers and academics agree that product design is important, and there exists a large body of managerial and quantitative research on design as a component of the new product development process. Consumer research on design, however, has been somewhat limited. Consumer behavior investigations into product appearance have included examinations of behavioral responses to product form (Silvera, Josephs, and Giesler 2002. Veryzer and Hutchinson 1998), the interaction of brand strength and design (Page and Herr 2002), the effects of repeated exposure to designs (Cox and Cox 2002), and the role of individual differences in response to design features (Bloch, Brunei and Arnold 2003. Holbrook and Schindler 1994). Bloch (1995) developed a model of consumer response to product form that outlined several stages in the design process from managerial goals through the creation of the products form to the consumer’s response. Blochs model addressed the possibility of both cognitive and affective responses to product form but did not speak specifically to how variations in product design might influence the nature of the cognitive or affective reactions. In a discussion of the different roles of product design, Creusen and Schoormans (2005) similarly mentioned the psychological role that product appearance might play but did not offer predictions as to the nature and direction of the influence.The current research contributes to the growing literature on product design by investigating how a product’s appearance can influence the processing of functional product information. I examine the extent to which design signals quality, and how such a signal might interfere with the evaluation of more objective product information. Prior consumer research in product design has examined how aesthetics could influence quality evaluations in the absence of other information (Page and Herr 2002).

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Economics homework help

Question #1: The Data of Macroeconomics: GDP (a) Obtain data for the following variables for the United States in 2009. 1. Gross Domestic Product (Y) 2. Consumption (C) 3. Investment (I) 4. Government Spending (G) 5. Exports (EX) 6. Imports (IM) (b) Confirm that Y = C + I + G + (EX – IM) (c) What share of GDP is composed of consumption? What share of GDP is composed of investment? What share of GDP is composed of government spending?

Economics homework help

Create a 10 pages page paper that discusses faith and work integration. Indeed, there exist personal, ethical, and corporate dilemmas that ran at parallelsTo start with, faith and work are two opposites in many aspects. Theology has separated itself from the everyday of people’s lives. R. Paul Stevenson defines my spiritual dilemma based on the central question in the epilogue of his book “The Other Sox Days”. My view on work is that it is an activity undertaken to put bread on the table. People are always willing to work seven days a week without going to church. The church is not interested in the other six days that people spend in the workplace. This has led to an increased polarity between faith and the workplace. Faith and religion appear to be in conflict when my work demands that I work on Sunday, which is against church principles. This has resulted in me stop working for employers who require employees to work on Sunday.It is often hard to determine what guides our actions in the workplace. Faith and work share a lot of virtues we practice. Honesty is the virtue required in the workplace and it instilled in us from our religious backgrounds. In the workplace, company policies stress the need for honesty in procedures and ethical conduct. This virtue in the workplace integrates well with faith. We need to be vigilant when working under pressure to meet deadlines.Deuteronomy 16:19, tells us that bribe blinds the eye of the wise and twists the word of the righteous. Nevertheless, how far do businesses go marketing? There is no problem with giving free samples of your product to the customer because it is providing an opportunity for the customer to assess the product or service. However, where do you draw the line? When do the provision of free samples and gifts bear with the implied understanding that product or service will be brought in return. because, at this point, my faith makes it become a bribe? From a Christian perspective, marketing must be done in an honest way.&nbsp.

Religious Studies homework help

Corporations and Stockholders’ EquityCase Studies Case 1Ted was a wealthy, 20% stockholder of TDS Corporation. He was looking over the financial statements of the corporation and saw that TDS was in need of a large loan. Further, he knew that December sales were weaker than expected and that the yearly financial statements would show a lower net income than anticipated. He then decided to loan the company $3 million at 5% interest and also become a customer and purchase $250,000 of merchandise. Ted’s becoming a customer would increase the business’s December sales and net income, and give the company sufficient cash to meet expenses. When approached with the ideas, the CEO objected, stating that the “loan” would have to be recorded as additional capital because a stockholder could not loan money to a company. Ted stated that as long as the money was treated as a loan with interest and the expectation of repayment, it should be allowed. The CEO then stated that it would be unethical for the company to “borrow” money from a stockholder. Also, it would be unethical for the company to “sell” merchandise to a stockholder, because it would merely be done to improve the December sales. Ted stated that the loan agreement of 5% interest would make the arrangement reasonable. He stated that if the interest rate was 25%, then the CEO might have a valid ethical concern. Ted also argued that the sale of merchandise to him was completely ethical, because he was not going to return the merchandise. He further contended that it should not matter whether he was a stockholder because in these transactions he would be a lender and a customer, which would not involve any ethical issues.Please review the case and answering the following questions:•

Computer Science homework help

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Why plagiarism increases in schools and universities around the UK.Some of the reasons why plagiarism is rising in that manner are explained in this essay. One of the reasons for the increase of plagiarism in universities and schools around UK is the easy access of the internet (Watkins, 2008). There are various tools such as Google that students use to conduct their research and get access to information and ideas that can be used to complete assignments and research projects.However, such research tools have contributed to plagiarism increase across the UK because it enables learners to copy information from the internet. It is difficult to spot this form of plagiarism and cannot be identified manually. Indeed, there is a “significant, negative influence on the rate of plagiarism due to the internet” (Ison, 2014). The internet is therefore a significant cause of increasing plagiarism in most universities and schools around UK. Online education is also a significant contributor of plagiarism on the internet platform. Ison (2014) argues that online coursework or online education which is common in various institutions in UK causes a great temptation for students to plagiarize than the brick-and-mortar form of education. Online education allows students to stay on the internet for a long time, tempting them to search through various websites for information that can enable them to complete their online assignments easily. Furthermore, there is limited supervision in online studies because the student and the lecturer operate from different places and the lecturer cannot supervise the student directly.

Economics homework help

A) Before, revolutionary movements are still idealistic and convinced they will bring a better society; after seizing power, the revolutionary regime discovers it’s not difficult to make an economy work.B) Before, revolutionary movements are still idealistic and convinced they will bring a better society; after seizing power, the revolutionary regime discovers it’s a lot harder to make an economy work than it thought.C) Before, revolutionary movements believe that a truly committed regime can redo society; after seizing power, the revolutionary regime discovers its ideological ideals are impractical.D) Before, revolutionary movements bomb and assassinate in an effort to overthrow corrupt governments; after seizing power, the revolutionary regime almost always finds itself being bombed and in the sights of assassins.

Anthropology homework help

I need some assistance with these assignment. globalization and the future of german Thank you in advance for the help! The article on globalization and the future of the German language too offers an accurate analysis. It analyzes the impacts the German language encounters in the face of English being the global language. The authors of the article view the increasing use of the English language as a risk to the use of the German language (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The article looks at the national and global position of their language in comparison to the standing of the English language. The analysis gives the various uses of the German language across the fields of science and their uses in other nations. It also aids in expounding on how it fairs against other foreign languages on the global scene. The authors view the growing pressure of English as a threat to the German language. The article discusses the risks of the German language losing out in the globalization process. The article suggests that these will hinder the countries efforts of growth (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). This article describes the country’s past glory as the motivation that should drive the current generations. It additionally suggests ways and means that the German authorities can use in improving their impact on the globalization process. The effects of the country lagging behind in this process come as a result of the inability of the regime to market themselves appropriately. This is seen as being the reason the other countries in Europe are growing so rapidly and becoming such great influences in the globalization process (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The authors view English as an official language that people all over the globe use.&nbsp.TThe article on globalization and the future of the German language too offers an accurate analysis. It analyzes the impacts the German language encounters in the face of English being the global language. The authors of the article view the increasing use of the English language as a risk to the use of the German language (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The article looks at at the national and global position of their language in comparison to the standing of the English language. The analysis gives the various uses of the German language across the fields of science and their uses in other nations. It also aids in expounding on how it fairs against other foreign languages on the global scene. The authors view the growing pressure of English as a threat to the German language. The article discusses the risks of the German language losing out in the globalization process. The article suggests that these will hinder the countries efforts of growth (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). This article describes the country’s past glory as the motivation that should drive the current generations. It additionally suggests ways and means that the German authorities can use in improving their impact on the globalization process. The effects of the country lagging behind in this process come as a result of the inability of the regime to market themselves appropriately. This is seen as being the reason the other countries in Europe are growing so rapidly and becoming such great influences in the globalization process (Gardt and Huppauf, 2004). The authors view English as an official language that people all over the globe use.&nbsp. Conversely, the article, globalization, and free trade offer highly accurate information from the World Bank on the impacts and effects of globalization. It gives a detail of the evolution of the globalization process to its current state (Goldstein, 2007). The details on the escalation and development of this globalization process are also seen in the book. The book gives examples on several case studies done in various countries ranging from Bolivia, Russia, the United States, and China.&nbsp.

Philosophy homework help

Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.Start by reading and following these instructions:1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.3. Consider the discussions and any insights gained from it.4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.Assignment:Practice Hours: each module has a minimum required practice hours related to your work on the main education project. Practice hours relate to time spent on project work (Discussion Board work does not apply). Document your hours for Module 3 in Project Concert. Access Project Concert. You should have an estimated 10-15 hours for this module. Minimum required hours must be entered into Project Concert for Module 3. Some states/entities require hour logs for certification or employment. It is the student’s professional responsibility to ensure all hours are entered correctly in order to meet these requirements. Please see the Project Concert directions document in the Learning Materials on how to enter hours.Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate and explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your target population utilizing the picture below. Note that you should briefly review all of the determinants and then choose the ones that impact your target group to talk about in the assignment.  Be sure to review the link information in the classroom on Core Determinants of Health.  You will then use the power point you created as a visual and record your voice, narrating your power point.3. The presentation should be between 5 and 7 minutes in length. Use a recording platform of your choice (note that screencast-o-matic is the easiest) and either upload as an mp4 or share the link directly to the video in the drop box.If you do not know how to create a screencast, note that there are tutorials on the website and also here is a short webinar link to click with information on how to use screencast-o-matic: You will be using this sort of recording many times, so be sure that you understand how to use it.    ***Please do not record as voice-over on the PowerPoint platform, because this cannot be saved in mp4 format or a link.*** If you submit your assignment as a PowerPoint with voice over recording you will not receive credit for your assignment (or partial credit as you did not meet the full requirements of the assignment.)