project 4

see attached

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rubric reflection

Linda Lambert describes leadership as the learning processes among participants in a community and that these processes lead to a shared sense of purpose. As part of her work, she developed a Rubric of Emerging Teacher Leadership to help teacher leaders assess and improve their leadership.


Complete the rubric by carefully reading the descriptions in each cell. Circle the cell in each row that best describes you in your school setting. Do NOT turn in the rubric.


Set 2 goals for yourself that are directly related to descriptors in this rubric. Explain why these are worthwhile goals for you in your progress toward being a mathematics specialist.

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examples of question types

Using the same task you completed and anticipated student responses for, look for examples of the question types being used by the teacher found in the transcripts of that task.


Identify the types of questions the teacher asks, and write the questions you found in the document attached

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see attached

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HW 3

see attached

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anticipating student solutions task

Choose either the Donuts Task or the Half of a Whole Task and complete the task yourself. 

Then, anticipate the methods elementary students would use to complete the task.

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Subculture Research

Research an American subculture to which you are interested in and/or currently DO NOT belong. It might be a religious, racial, or ethnic group; it might be a sports or social club, or an occupational or work-related subculture. For example, you may want to look up the professional group that you might someday be a member of or a subculture that you think practices a way of life totally different from your own subculture. 

2. In a titled, cogent essay, demonstrate your understanding of ALL of the following concepts by describing the following subcultures: a. Beliefs b. Values c. Norms (including folkways and mores) and their sanctions d. How does one become a member of this subculture? e. What are the outward symbols and behaviors that might indicate to others that one is a member? f. How do these beliefs, values, norms, and sanctions differ from the dominant culture?

3. Using the attached outline, identify and discuss each and every element of culture in your essay. Make sure that have clear examples for each. 

4. Do not forget to write conclude this paper by stating something that you learned from doing this research (beyond the factual information that you have gained about this subculture) 

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