
As attached

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analyzing an exam

For this assignment, select a summative assessment that is approximately the scope of a unit test or a large quiz. If you’re teaching, this would ideally be an upcoming assessment from one of your actual classes. If you’re not currently teaching, this can be any assessment of your choosing (e.g., one you’ve used in the past, one from an online source). In either case, the source of the assessment can be anything — it could be one you’ve made, one from your department or colleagues, or one from a textbook or online publishing company.

Looking at that assessment, write an analytic report that responds to the following prompts. It can simply be a document with these subheadings (no need for a narrative introduction or conclusion):

  1. Assessment Info: Relevant information about the assessment (source, class, etc.)
  2. Big Ideas: What are the big mathematical ideas that are assessed (if any)? Provide examples of items and explain how you see the big ideas (or not).
  3. Procedures and Concepts: What is the balance between procedures and concepts being assessed? Provides examples of items and explain why you think they are procedural, conceptual, or both.
  4. Math Practices: What mathematical practices are assessed (if any)? Provide examples of items and explain which practices might be assessed (or why they will not surface).
  5. Feedback: Throughout the entire administration of this assessment (from when students take it to when they receive any scores or performance report back),
  6. Modifications: In light of your analysis above, what changes would you propose for the assessment? Provide your rationale. If you do not propose any significant changes, summarize what you see as the main benefits of the assessment as-is.

REPORT LENGTH: Approximately 3 pages of original text, but the inclusion of screenshots/images may make it substantially longer.

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Discourse Reflection

This reflection is intended to be an opportunity for processing and responding to your discourse reading. You have two options for the reading: JacobsEmpson_2016ZDM_Elementary-teachermoves.pdf Download JacobsEmpson_2016ZDM_Elementary-teachermoves.pdfor CirilloEtAl_2014APME_Secondary-discoursemoves.pdf Download CirilloEtAl_2014APME_Secondary-discoursemoves.pdf.

  • The articles both present several categories of teacher moves. The authors’ focus was not explicitly on assessment, but what connections do you see to ideas of assessing what students know or can do? Are particular moves more connected to assessment than others?
  • Recognizing that any piece of writing is inherently limited, what critiques, clarifications, or extensions do you have to ideas presented in the articles?
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assessment philosophy revisited

We have covered a lot of terrain and discussed a wide range of issues throughout the semester. Therefore, as an opportunity for self assessment (and to give us feedback on the course), we want you to revisit your Assessment Philosophy from Unit 1.

For this assignment you should do the following:

  1. Revise/rewrite your Assessment Philosophy statement. This might involve fairly minor or quite major revisions. That is completely up to you. At the very least, we expect that you can provide additional citations or connections based on things you’ve read or seen during the semester.
  2. After the Assessment Philosophy, include a final section where you reflect on the similarities or differences between the Unit 1 version and this final version. If you had changes in your ideas, where did those changes come from? If you did not have changes, is there something that you’re more committed to now than before or something that you can articulate in a slightly different way even though it’s a similar idea to what you thought before?

In this written reflection, #2 can be personal. However, if you’d also like to share publicly, we are also going to create an Optional Discussion Forum where you can share with your classmates any changes or affirmations of what’s in your Assessment Philosophy.


Original essay attached

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discussion forum 4

Part 1 (Due Friday, December 9 by 11:59pm CT/CST)

For this forum discussion, please analyze and critically think about the material covered in chapters 14 & 15 from the Ormrod text, the Ryan & Deci article, and Dan Pink’s, The Motivation Puzzle. You must post Part 1 before replying to your peers.






  1. Identifying & Analyzing Themes
    1. Identify & Summarize.
      1. From the readings over the last two weeks (Chapters 14 & 15 and Ryan & Deci’s article) and Dan Pink’s, The Motivation Puzzle, identify three points that you found important or interesting. Summarize these three points from the readings and video. (3 points)
    2. Analysis of the material.
      1. For one of the points you identify, explain issues, provide new perspectives, or meaningfully elaborate on the point (which you provided) with your own experiences or external readings. (100-200 words) (3 points)
    3. Ask a question.
      1. Ask at least oneinsightfulquestion about the reading. If you’d like, your question can be posed as a “devil’s advocate” (Links to an external site.)which helps deepen the discussion. (2 points)
  2. Discussion Question & Response To The Discussion Question
    1. Discussion Question & Response: Identify and describe at least three specific ways you personally can foster intrinsic motivation using self-determination theory in the classroom. Be specific and detailed in your descriptions and connect your ideas to the theory presented in the readings. What do you see as challenging in implementing principles of self-determination theory into the classroom? Explain why these are challenges. (100-200 words) (5 points).
  3. Use APA style for any in-text citations in your writing. 
    1. Any ideas that are not your own need to be cited using APA Style. You do not need to include formal references in this assignment, just in-text citations for ideas that are not your own. Information on when and how to do in-text citations using APA style is given in the module and is linked here, APA style (Links to an external site.). (1 point)
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reading reflection 99 8875

Complete the reading and turn in a brief write-up addressing the following:

  1. What is the main idea presented in the article?
  2. What is a connection that you see between the ideas in the article and your own teaching? (Or, in what ways do your ideas diverge from those in the article?)
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faulkner discussion 8865

DISCUSS: Faulkner et al. (2014) reading

3838 unread replies.3838 replies.

Tracking is an issue that came up in prior units because it is a profound way in which assessments sometimes affect students’ lives. For example, school districts sometimes use a summative assessment as one of the factors in deciding which track to place students. Tracking decisions have been found to be strongly related to people’s eventual earning potential and their career opportunities, and in terms of mathematical learning, tracked classes have typically been found to be detrimental to nearly all students involved. (Even the “high track” students often become fearful of taking risks or get discouraged when material eventually becomes more of a challenge for them to learn.)

The article looked at course placement with regard to students’ race.

  1. What questions do you have about the ideas in the article or about the details of the study?
  2. With what parts of the article do you find yourself agreeing? disagreeing? And if you’re being honest with yourself, what do you think is underlying your agreement or disagreement? Do you want that thing to be true or false, does the systematic data of the study conflict with your own interpretation of your experiences, or do you have concerns about the manner in which the authors drew conclusions?


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verbal assessment assignment

  • Classroom noticing: View the two classroom videos linked below and focus on the following: (A) Look for a pattern in the types of questions each teacher typically asks, and (B) look for instances of a question/move that led to a good amount of assessment information about a student or students as well as instances of a question/move that didn’t lead to much at all.
  • Write-Up: In approximately 2-3 double-spaced pages, include the following components.
    • Describe the typical form of discourse/discussion that you see in each class. (How often do students talk? How comfortable do they seem to be in expressing their ideas verbally? What kind of discussion happens?) Be sure to mention any patterns in the teacher questioning that you noticed (see A above).
    • Reflect on any connections or lack of connections between the discourse/discussions and the assessment of student learning. (What information about what students know and are able to do comes from their verbal discussion? How does that assessment information seem to impact the instructional decisions of the teacher? What can you glean about student learning from listening to the students and for what would you still need a paper-and-pencil assessment?) This reflection should include specific examples of questions/moves that either successfully or unsuccessfully elicited assessment information during the video lessons (see B above).
    • Wherever appropriate, you should also make some connections to content from this online course. You may connect to the articles from this unit or to any resources or ideas from prior units.
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