Posing Geometry Problems. During the semester, you will be asked to pose a “good†geometry problem to the class. (We will define what counts as a “good problem†early in the course.) The problems you select, adapt, or create will be shared with the class and others in the class will have an opportunity to solve it and provide feedback. In addition to posing the problem, you will work to anticipate student responses, and identify connections among those possible responses and/or ways that various responses might represent a trajectory of learning (more on this will be covered in the course as well). After work on your problem has concluded, you will share a brief commentary about your anticipation and connections, incorporating your peers’ actual responses as relevant. These problems will begin February 28. You will be invited to sign up for a particular week. During weeks that others are posing problems, you are expected to participate in working on your peers’ problems and participating in reflective discussions about them.
Create one good geometry problem for others in the group to work on this wee.