Differences Within the Group Discussion

Differences Within the Group Discussion
There will always be differences within a group, and it is the group leader’s responsibility to address struggles within the group. Some clients may be vocal about their struggles, while others may not. During my career in working with those that struggle with substance use disorder, I have had clients express their frustration about not seeing an LGBT group within this context. These clients would voice their frustration individually, in group, and in writing through satisfactory surveys. These concerns would be discussed individually, in the group, and with management. Research does suggest that “discussion of LGBT strengths within the psychological practice extends itself to unique life experiences, challenges and opportunities,” which must be acknowledged and processed in treatment (Lytle, Vaughan, Rodriguez, & Shmerler, 2014, p. 335).

Specialty groups are important if it is important to the patient. Treatment is patient driven, therefore, their strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences should be taken into account. Also, specific populations will face challenges that others do not. There are also different treatment models which can better serve particular populations as well. “Positive psychology and strengths-focused LGBT work is the minority stress model” which addresses “minority status, identity as experienced by LGBT individuals, prejudice, expectations, and concealment” (Lytle, & et al., 2014, p. 336).
In any group that I have facilitated, I try and hear what the patient is really asking for. And, I have always helped teach empowerment and advocacy. Teaching individuals how to ask for what they need, how to go about facilitating change, and accessing resources is vital within the treatment context, as it is in life outside the group. Supporting and promoting patients during this process helps them learn more about themselves, what they want, and encourages their willingness to engage in their treatment. They become more vested in what they believe in. I think that therapists should “promote the health and well-being of individual clients” and teach them the importance of how they matter and how they can exercise their rights, needs, and wants (Kelland, Hoe, McGuire, Yu, Andreoli, & Nixon, 2014, p. 75). Discussion of advocacy includes “advocacy initiatives, learning, and collaboration” (Kelland, & et al., 2014, p. 75).
When providers and patients stop asking questions and become frustrated without being heard, failure and disparities occur. However, when mental health, treatment, and differences are discussed, change can be facilitated to provide health equity. This helps promote “equitable health outcomes for patients, families, and communities” (Andermann, & CLEAR Collaboration, 2016, p. 475). Individuals that feel particular challenges because of sexual orientation, age, sex, gender, or language are social determinants which influence – The World Health Organization (WHO) defines these social determinants of health, “the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life” (Andermann, et al., 2016, p. 476). Therefore, clinicians should acknowledge, support, and refer if necessary – because intervention can start earlier, thereby “broadening the scope of interventions, thus making individuals, families, and communities healthier” (Andermann, & et al., 2016, p. 477).
Andermann, A., & CLEAR Collaboration (2016). Taking action on the social determinants of
health in clinical practice: a framework for health professionals. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne188(17-18), E474–E483. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.160177
Kelland, K., Hoe, E., McGuire, M. J., Yu, J., Andreoli, A., & Nixon, S. A. (2014). Excelling in the
role of advocate: a qualitative study exploring advocacy as an essential physiotherapy competency. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada66(1), 74–80. https://doi.org/10.3138/ptc.2013-05
Lytle, M. C., Vaughan, M. D., Rodriguez, E. M., & Shmerler, D. L. (2014). Working with LGBT
individuals: Incorporating positive psychology into training and practice. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity1(4), 335–347. https://doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000064
Kristin C
As a group leader, this writer will have groups with members of all ages, religions, genders, races, SES, languages, and sexual preferences. Although this student has not worked in a counseling setting yet, she can recall a time when her younger cousin struggled with feeling different. As a half Hispanic, half white individual, this writer has many cousins of varying shades of skin. While her father is Ecuadorian and bears a Native American look in color, her mother is fair-skinned and light-eyed. A younger cousin on her father’s side, who is full Ecuadorian, made comments one day when she was around 6 or 7 years old that really took this writer aback. She told this writer, “I want to be white!”, and then turned to this student’s mother and said, “I want to be white and have blue eyes like you”. This was an extremely shocking and disturbing statement for this student to hear out of her young cousin’s mouth, as she never considered that her cousin could be feeling different based on her skin color. Not only was her cousin feeling different because of her darker skin, but she obviously internalized the narrative that light skin is the better skin, and therefore wished to be so. Both this writer and her mother assured her young cousin that she was beautiful the way she was and did not need to change anything about her.

If this student was facilitating a group where others are not accepting of differences she would work to eliminate the bias or prejudice present. Group counselors are ethically responsible to recognize and respect differences among group members, whether that difference is cultural, racial, religious, or lifestyle-related (Berg et al., 2013). While counselors have an ethical responsibility to respect clients and their worldviews, we also have the responsibility to social justice and advocacy. Additionally, if the counselor does not address the prejudice or bias statements by members then it can be perceived as the group leader colluding with the client’s attitudes (MacLeod, 2014). There are a few aspects for the group leader to consider before proceeding such as the group’s goals and if the prejudice is related to the goal, the members’ racial identities, clarifying one’s own motivation and reaction to the prejudice and assessing the members’ motivation for change in this area (MacLeod, 2014). If the bias or prejudicial statements made by members are offensive and abusive, it is the group leader’s responsibility to intervene and cease the verbally abusive or inappropriate comments (Berg et al., 2013). Group counselors are responsible for spreading awareness of the impact of stereotyping and discrimination in order to guard the individual rights and dignity of all group members (Berg et al., 2013). It is not always feasible for counselors to expect clients to resolve all their discriminatory or biased views, but it can be helpful for the group leader to begin a discussion into the origin of the belief and what these beliefs serve for the member in their life. Beginning a discussion regarding prejudicial comments and beliefs for members can be useful for members to begin gaining awareness of their own beliefs, especially if it is evident that a member is affected by such comments. Additionally, the counselor must intervene if the comments are abusive to uphold the ethical duty of nonmaleficence, or preventing harm (Jungers & Gregoire, 2013).
Berg, R. C., Fall, K. A., & Landreth, G. L. (2013). Group Counseling : Concepts and Procedures: Vol. 5th ed. Routledge.
Jungers, C P. L.-S. N., & Jocelyn Gregoire, C. E. L. N. A. (2013). Counseling Ethics : Philosophical and Professional Foundations: Vol. 1st ed. Springer Publishing Company.
MacLeod, B. (2014). Addressing clients’ prejudices in counseling. Retrieved from https://ct.counseling.org/2014/01/addressing-clien…

DQ#2 Specialty Groups
Liz P
Specialty population or topic groups should be facilitated by a clinician who has undergone training to understand the clinical nature of the population being served, as well as the evidence based treatment modality. The provider should be well versed in recognizing symptoms as they manifest, treatment recommendations, resources, and psychological treatments.

Therapists working with a specific populations must be able to “provide their patients with the best possible care or treatment” (Fairburn, & Cooper, 2011, p. 373). This means understanding and providing the most up to date evidence based approach in a “competent manner” (Fairburn, & Cooper, 2011, p. 373). Also, therapists need to “deliver treatment competently, implementing treatment fidelity and treatment integrity” (Fairburn, & Cooper, 2011, p. 373). This means that a professional needs to ‘adhere’ to the most appropriate procedures and that the ‘optimal’ procedures were delivered in a ‘skillful manner’ (Fairburn, & Cooper, 2011). In order implement competence, one must be trained and be well versed in a specific training/modality.
Therapist competence refers to “an attribute of the therapist, not the treatment,” and is defined, “the extent to which a therapist has the knowledge and skill required to deliver a treatment to the standard needed for it to achieve its expected effects” (Fairburn, & Cooper, 2011, p. 374). Also, evidence based practice refers to “clinical practice that is informed by evidence about interventions, clinical expertise, and patient needs, values, and preferences” (Waelde, Thompson, Robinson, & Iwanicki, 2016, p. 624). Findings suggest that increased therapist knowledge and expertise, “increases client trust, improves attitudinal change, and increases engagement” (Beidas, & Kendall, 2010, p. 1).
Specialty groups need facilitators who are able to sustain focus and follow through with an informed philosophy/model in order to maintain well-being (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2014). Therapists engage in a study program that aligns with their interests. This training provides formal education, supervision, and experience which leads itself to counselor competence. The mastery of “clinical skills, targeted learning, knowledge, and treatment proficiency” help provide and promote competency (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2014). Additionally, it is important to note that competency is an on-going concept throughout one’s professional career. In order to remain current in the field, professionals should engage in continued education, trainings, and supervision due to new research and findings about what evidenced based practice is.Differences Within the Group Discussion
I would like to become certified in trauma seeking safety training. I see an increased need for clinicians who are certified in working with this population. Working with patients struggling with substance use disorders, we see and hear about trauma. This is a population within a population that I need to learn more about.
Beidas, R. S., & Kendall, P. C. (2010). Training therapists in evidence-based practice: A Critical
review of studies from a systems-contextual perspective. Clinical Psychology : a Publication of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the American Psychological Association17(1), 1–30. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2850.2009.01187.x
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (US). Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health
Services. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2014. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 57.) Chapter 2, Building a Trauma-Informed Workforce. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207194/
Fairburn, C. G., & Cooper, Z. (2011). Therapist competence, therapy quality, and therapist
training. Behaviour Research and Therapy49(6-7), 373–378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2011.03.005
Kristin C
Counseling groups that focus on one particular problem or population are called specialty groups. One specialty group that this writer would be interested in facilitating is a group for adolescents suffering from depression. About two-thirds of adolescents suffer from poor health behaviors and social challenges associated with depression and have a higher risk of suicide (Straub et al., 2014). Additionally, the WHO or World Health Organization deemed depression one of the most debilitating disorders worldwide (Straub et al., 2014). Due to the highly fluid and stressful period of adolescence, it is no wonder that teens struggle with depression. Group therapy is a great avenue to target depression in adolescents as it was found to have advantages over individual therapy. For example, group members are able to learn from one another and give each other feedback (Straub et al., 2013). Therefore, this writer believes this specialty group would be beneficial in helping many struggling adolescents and possibly can help prevent self-harm and suicide.Differences Within the Group Discussion

Ethically, this writer believes that counselors should have specialized training in order to facilitate this type of group. Specialized training is necessary due to the ethical obligations laid out for counselors in the ACA Code of Ethics and the corresponding ASGW for group counseling. The problem of counselor competence permeates every aspect of conducting groups (Jungers & Gregoire, 2013). Competence refers to the need for counselors to only practice within the boundaries of their competence such as their training, education, and credentials (Jungers & Gregoire, 2013). Counselors must always continue to evolve their competence by continuing training and education throughout their careers. Group workers should only practice in areas in which they meet the training criteria established by the ASGW standards (Berg et al., 2013). For this writer’s specialty group, she would be required to have sufficient training and knowledge of depression and conducting adolescent groups to meet the ethical responsibility of competence.
Berg, R. C., Fall, K. A., & Landreth, G. L. (2013). Group Counseling : Concepts and Procedures: Vol. 5th ed. Routledge.
Jungers, C P. L.-S. N., & Jocelyn Gregoire, C. E. L. N. A. (2013). Counseling Ethics : Philosophical and Professional Foundations: Vol. 1st ed. Springer Publishing Company.
Straub, J., Sproeber, N., Plener, P. L., Fegert, J. M., Bonenberger, M., & Koelch, M. G. (2014). A brief cognitive-behavioural group therapy programme for the treatment of depression in adolescent outpatients: A pilot study. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health8. https://doi-org.postu.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/1753-20…Differences Within the Group Discussion

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8-1 Discussion: Setting Healthy Professional Boundaries

Previous Next
In this module, you will explore the concept of setting boundaries.
For your initial post, review How to Set Healthy Boundaries and answer the following questions:

  • People have varying levels of sensitivity when it comes to their personal boundaries, as well as how those boundaries transfer to the workplace. What strategies might you use in identifying personal and professional boundaries in others?
  • How can setting healthy professional boundaries help you maintain your identity in the workplace?
  • Other than the professional setting, what specific areas in your life do you set boundaries for? Psychology homework help.
  • What is the connection between setting boundaries and mental health?
  • How does the concept of setting healthy boundaries apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.
    • Self-care
    • Social justice
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Career connections
    • Ethics

Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:

  • Post an article, video, or visual to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
  • Engage in conversation with your peers around the idea of healthy boundary setting. Consider asking a question or sharing your personal experience. Psychology homework help.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric. You will also need:

  • Norms of Practice for Online Discussion
  • Ethical Usage Practices


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Part 1:
This assignment requires students to write a Research Problem statement on their approved research topic. This will be informed by their evaluation of previous research that was started in Unit 2 with the Annotated Bibliography Assignment. (Research problem must be 250 words)
(The assignment must be double spaced, in 12-point font, and cite sources as necessary to support your analysis.)
Instructions: For completing this assignment, follow the guidelines regarding Research Problems discussed in the Unit 3 Lecture. The Research Problem should be approximately 250 words, about a page double-spaced. You must cite a minimum of two references in proper APA formatting.
Questions you should ask yourself when composing the Research Problem:
Who is the study population? How can you further refine the study population?
What exactly do you want to understand about the topic/problem?
Is the Research Problem too broad?
How relevant is the research to your study area/discipline/major/interests?
What motivates you to do the research on the chosen topic/problem? Psychology homework help.
Why should others be interested in your chosen topic/problem?
What are the stakes involved in not addressing the issue from your perspective?
What are the concepts and issues to be studied?
Do you have enough time to complete the research?
Is an answer to the Research Problem obvious?


Part 2:
Following the steps outlined for synthesis writing in Unit 3 (Resources), write one synthesis paragraph that uses two sources from your Annotated Bibliography Assignment. See the models provided in Unit 3 (Resources) as examples.In writing this paragraph, be sure to:

  1. include a topic sentence that unifies the two sources around a shared theme and, then, to
  2. clearly address the similarities or differences the two sources have toward that shared theme.

It should be one-paragraph in length, double-spaced, and in 12pt. font. Please cite paraphrase and direct quotations following APA-style guidelines. Upload this document as a Word file. Psychology homework help.
please put part 1 and part 2 on two separate pages. thanks

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For your illness-specific presentation assignment you are to select a specific chronic illness/disorder wherein pain is an important component of the disease (i.e., sickle cell disease, HIV, fibromyalgia, recurrent abdominal pain, headache, cancer, TMJ), or another chronic medical condition approved by the instructor.
You will create a power-point presentation on the selected illness/disorder and empirically supported assessment and intervention protocols for that illness/disorder. As part of the presentation, you must also prepare a resource document (or slides) containing a minimum of five Internet resources that patients or family members might benefit from (including, but not limited to, social support sites, informational links, and/or other available patient resources). In addition, you must include an annotated bibliography of references related to empirically supported assessment and treatment of the selected chronic medical condition. This list should include the reference (in APA format) followed by a short description of the content and relevance of the source selected. Psychology homework help.


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Sperry poses the need for a comprehensive assessment informed by a biopsychosocial perspective when treating individuals with chronic illness. In our text, he identifies the formulation of the thirteen key markers that should be discussed with the patient during the assessment process. Psychology homework help.
These markers include:
1)       Disease progression and impact of illness on functioning
2)       Illness representation or explanatory model
3)       Adequacy of health behaviors and exposure history
4)       Early parental bond and adverse childhood experiences
5)       Personal schemas and family narratives
6)       Personality style or disorder
7)       Family competence level and style
8)       Religious and spiritual beliefs
9)       Patient resources and self-capacities
10)     Readiness for treatment and self-management capacity
11)     Adequacy of treatment relationship with previous providers
12)     Alignment between clinician-patient explanatory models and treatment goals
13)     Phase of illness
Please select one of these markers and describe why you feel it is an important aspect of the assessment process:
Imagine that you are currently practicing as a health psychologist and provide examples of the way in which you could assess this particular marker in an individual that might come to seek services from you in an effort to cope with their specific chronic illness. You may provide examples of assessment strategies or semi-structured questions for any stage of disease progression. You may also cite and share existing screening tools that you consider helpful. Feel free to endorse any of the aforementioned factors or propose a different aspect of the illness process that you feel should routinely warrant clinical attention. Psychology homework help.

Psychology homework help

Choose one of the case studies presented in the document “Topic 3 Case Studies.” After reading the case study, in 600-750 words, formulate a plan to help the individual in your chosen case study cope with their stress. Using research list specific steps the individual should take and reasons those steps are important to their coping with the stress. Then, based on the research, discuss the effectiveness of the coping techniques your chose for the individual.
Use three to four **scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA 7th Style Guide. An abstract is not required.
PSY-660 Health Psychology
Topic 3: Stress and Health
Stress Case Study
Directions: Choose one of the case studies below. Use the information presented to complete the assignment for Topic 3.
Case Study 1
Julie is a 42-year-old female who is reporting headaches, difficulty sleeping, and has developed several viral infections over the last few months. She has been to see her regular doctor who suggested she talk to a counselor. Julie reports high levels of stress at her job. Psychology homework help. Her department is understaffed and operating under tight deadlines. Julie has been working extra hours to help meet those deadlines. At home, Julie finds herself exhausted and fighting with her husband. Her children, ages 9, 7, and 3 have begun acting out and she reports that she is shorter-tempered with them than usual. Julie’s mother is 79 and fell while getting the mail resulting in a broken hip. While she is out of the hospital, she needs rides to physical therapy and assistance around her house.
Case Study 2
Claire is a 20-year-old college junior. She recently transferred to a school 3 hours away from home to attend their nursing program. Her schoolwork is demanding, and, being a transfer student, she has found it difficult to make friends, as many of her classmates already know each other from freshman year. Her boyfriend of 3 years is living in her hometown, and they do not get to see each as much as they would like. Claire had to quit her job to keep up with her school work, and she does not have any extra money. She can barely pay her rent and afford groceries. Claire has begun having difficulty sleeping, and feels anxious most of the time. She often finds herself crying and, lately, has been having a lot of stomach pain.
Case Study 3
Joseph is a 63-year-old man who recently retired. While he was looking forward to retirement, he now is unsure of how to fill the hours in the day. He worries constantly about finances and checks his bank account multiple times a day. He spends a great deal of time looking for ways to save money, as he fears his retirement will run out. Joseph’s wife of 30 years is not used to having him around the house so much, and they are constantly arguing. Joseph has begun experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath. Psychology homework help.


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Select an article that discusses a topic relevant to childhood development. This article can focus on a physical, cognitive, or socioemotional aspect of childhood development.
In 650-750 words, do the following in order:
Summarize the major tenets of the article.
Discuss a psychological theory that applies to the topic selected and describe how it relates. Psychology homework help.
Discuss your personal reaction to the article. The length of the personal reaction should match that of the major tenets (no short “I enjoyed this article” responses). Describe specifically what you liked or did not like about the article and explain why you believe that way.
Use two to three **scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA 7th Style Guide. An abstract is not required.


Psychology homework help

For each DQ elaborate within 260-300 words. Use in text citations accordingly. Use scholarly reference(s) along with the one(s) attached as well.
DQ 1) The rates of obesity are continuing to rise in this country. Discuss how nutrition, sleep, growth rates, and exercise all interact to promote healthy living. How can parents help to promote healthy habits in childhood? How will these habits impact overall wellness in adulthood? Psychology homework help.
DQ 2) Summarize the similarities and differences in the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development between preschool and elementary-aged children. Include an explanation of brain development and changes that are taking place in childhood. Why is it important to recognize the changes that take place in each stage of development?
Read Chapter 5 and 6 of Experiencing the Lifespan.
Read “Fighting Children’s Fears, Fast,” by Dingfelder, from the American Psychological Association website (2005).
Explore The Secret Life of the Brain page on the PBS Website.
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/. Psychology homework help.


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Prior to addressing the following prompts review chapter one in your required text, review the website The Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting (Links to an external site.), and watch the 30 minute 8 episode series by Ray Dalio entitled Principles for Success (Links to an external site.). Although Dalio’s goals were to become an investor and entrepreneur, his processes and ideas are worth exploring to consider applying to your own journey.
Dalio addresses a process for more effectively meeting our goals. His steps are listed below:

  1. Identify your goals.( complete bachelors and work in a field with children. help children in abusive situations, work for a child advocacy center,
  2. Identify what problems stand in your way of achieving your goals. ( may be hard to find jobs in that field and get foot in the door,  may need a masters/doctorate for my ideal jobs)
  3. Identify the root causes of the problems.
  4. Design a plan to eliminate the problems.
  5. Execute the plan. Psychology homework help.

Rather than thinking, “I’m right.” I started to ask myself, “How do I know I’m right?”
In addition, Dalio discusses our barriers:

Using the premise of the principles and the barriers he shares, as well as the knowledge you have attained throughout your program, reflect on and discuss the following:

  • If your future career could look like anything in the world, what would it look like?
  • Using this vision, develop one or more goals (Dalio’s Step 1).
  • Identify what specific psychological knowledge will need to be featured on self-promotion materials to support your goal.
  • Next, follow Dalio’s steps 2 to 4 for success.
    • Identify what problems stand in your way of achieving your goals.
    • Identify the root causes of the problems.
    • Design a plan to eliminate the problems.
  • Lastly, discuss your thoughts about executing your plan (Step 5): What concerns do you have? What things have you accomplished that will support you in this execution?

Your journal this week should be 400 to 500 words. Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of professional and ethical writing standards. Psychology homework help.

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Hiring Manager Challenge Discussion Board

11 unread reply.11 reply.

IDS4890Hiring Manager Challenge

This is a role-playing activity that challenges you to imagine the perspective of a hiring manager faced with a big decision and limited information.

The set up:

You work for the City of Plantation Florida and your boss has decided to expand the team. She puts you in charge of hiring a competent person with, as she puts it, “potential.”
Then she hands you a job ad and a stack of 11 resumes. “Pick two of these,” she says, “And we’ll bring them in for an interview.” We can forward the others to HR so they can be considered for future openings. But I don’t want to send all nine of the remaining candidates to HR. So, let me know who was at the very bottom of your ranking. We won’t forward that person’s resume.” Psychology homework help.
You go home and snuggle with your honey. “Best day  ever,” you announce, “My boss really trusts me to make important decisions. One of the two people who I pick will be our new hire. Also, I have to identify the worst applicant and throw him or her out of the employer’s applicant pool.”
Your honey sits up and gives you a serious look, “Wow,” says Honey, “Your boss is really testing your judgment. The person you help hire may be around for years. The money you spend on that person’s salary will come from a limited budget. The work your team does is pubic facing; I mean, if this person isn’t suited for the team’s work, everyone will know and trace it all back to you. Also, who are you throwing out of the applicant pile; your decision there matters too. Jeez, I hope you don’t screw this up.”

  • Step 1. Carefully review the job ad
  • Step 2. Look over the resumesActions and make your selections
  • Step 3. Write an email to your boss, briefly explaining and ranking your top picks. Who did you pick and why? This email is your report. Here is a report template. You can use this or write the email using only your own words. Your email-to-the-boss report must be at least 250 words long.
  • Step 4. Post your email-to-the-boss report on the Week 5 discussion board
  • Step 5. As you read other people’s posts, do you become more or less sure of your initial answer? You may want to go back to amend your initial post. Be sure to explain what helped change your mind.

Hiring Manager Challenge Report Frequently Asked Questions:

You: Can I work with a friend in class on this activity?
Me: Yes, that kind of effort is called collaborative learning. This is the kind of assignment where collaborative learning often works well. You and your classmate can exchange ideas and perceptions about the work. Psychology homework help. I hope you’ll find someone to collaborate with!
You: Really?
Me: Yep.
You: Okay, so do we each get our own grade?
Me: Yes, you work together but then post separately. If you work with a friend or two, write to let me know by adding this sentence at the end of your post for this week. I worked with ____________ to think and talk through this work.”
You: So, wait my friends and I can submit the same email-to-the-boss report and that’s not cheating or plagiarism?
Me: Well, if you submit the same report, then it is likely that one person did most of the learning. We’ve all been on teams where one person does all or most of the writing and everyone else just copies that person’s work. Don’t do that here. You have a capable brain; and you learned by working through this activity. Write your own email-to-the-boss report – in consultation with a friend or classmate. This class is about you.

Here’s how you’ll be assessed on this assignment:

Content: Did you follow all parts of the instructions, including the minimum word count? Is your submission thorough and complete?  (10 points)

  • Quality: Does your post seem to indicate effort? Does it seem like you proofread? If the instructions ask you to make connections, do you? (4 points)
  • Peer Responses: Do you make quality comments on your peers’ posts, paying attention to instructions about commenting? (6 points) Psychology homework help.