Difference or disorder

Your text provides this quote from featured teacher Erin Hedges about communication differences versus disorders: “Many of my students speak Appalachian or African-American dialects. Examples include a different use of the “to be” verb (“you was” instead of “you were”), double negatives (“He don’t know no better” instead of “He doesn’t know any better”), and vocabulary differences (“I’m finna [fixing to] go to the store” instead of “I’m planning to go to the store”). I recognize these dialects as differences rather than disabilities.”

Assignment: Why is it important to obtain language samples from a child in conversation as well as assess interactions with parents, adults, and peers? Further, why should language assessments also be conducted in the student’s native language if that language is not English? You may refer to the teacher quote above when answering the question, and you may also use the textbook to help you. Please respond to these questions with at least 4 sentences.

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