How does the social significance of pearls change over modern times?

To answer the topic question you need to define the social significance of pearl in different time,

explain and analysis how&why has the social significance of pearl transformed to the way it is today.

Your essay needs to demonstrate clear evidence of research effort, a clear understanding of the

material pearl, recognition of the cultures that surround the material, strong use of referencing,

imagination, coherence and clarity of expression.

Be mind that this essay will submit through turnitin, low similarly is required.

All the references needs to be formal academic resource and closely related to the object.

Formal, academic writing and systematic narrative is required, the question needs to be raised and

explained in the 1st paragraph.

essay structure

introduction: 200 words

research approach: 1100 words (provide research to support answer)

discussion: 500 words (this is where you provide answer)

conclusion: 200 words

write it in such a way that it will discuss how the world(war, historical events, pearl production, pearl

culture industry,technology, economic, and cultural trends)impact our perception of pearls

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