Twice exceptional learners

Many students can be “twice exceptional” – that is they are gifted and have a disability (e.g., learning disability, ADHD, ASD, EBD and so on). These students may be in need of additional supports and services, but unfortunately, they are often overlooked and misunderstood. Twice exceptional children do encounter several difficulties and challenges. One contributing factor to these experiences is a lack of knowledge and understanding about twice-exceptional students. Below are two articles providing great information about who these learners are, their strengths and challenges, and instructional strategies to use with this type of learner.Read 1 (or both) of the articles below and then complete the assignment:

Baldwin 2015 gifted and LD.pdf 

Download Baldwin 2015 gifted and LD.pdf

Mary-Ruth-Coleman-article twice except.pdf 

Download Mary-Ruth-Coleman-article twice except.pdf

Assignment:Using information from the above articles, your textbook, and Lizzie Thomas’s video presentation, complete this graphic organizer with information (please use full sentences) that you could give teachers to help them understand and work with students who are twice exceptional: Twice exceptional graphic organizer.docx 


Download Twice exceptional graphic organizer.docx

a. what/who is a twice exceptional learner b. challenges encountered by twice exceptional learners c. strengths of twice exceptional learners d. instructional strategies and accommodations for twice exceptional learners

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