Compare and Contrast Korea and Japan Cuisines

Compare and Contrast Korea and Japan Cuisines

How are the cuisines influenced by their geographical location? How are the cuisines influenced by their history? Which ingredients and cooking methods are unique to each country?

Keynesian Economics

What are the most effective development-oriented instruments of socio-economic policy conducted according to the concept of Keynesian economics?

Adam Smith

What factor of production (land, capital, labor, or entrepreneurs) would Adam Smith be most likely to identify as the source of a nation’s wealth?

Adam Smith Vs Karl Marx

Adam Smith argued that self-interest is a critical element in a society’s economic development. Karl Marx, by contrast, argued that society functions better when each of us is more community oriented.Pretend you are either Adam Smith or Karl Marx, and explain economic recession from these perspectives. Discuss when greed and selfishness in businesses go too far and become a hazard to society.