Early childhood special education

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) means two things:

  1. ECSE programs for children that are 3-5 years old.
  2. Early intervention (EI) programs for infants and toddlers.

So, what is the difference? The purpose of the information below is to help you understand: How ECSE is different from EI, and what an ECSE program involves.


ECSE is actually a relatively new field. It wasn’t until 1987 that it became required that states serve preschoolers with disabilities and also allowed states and territories to serve infants and toddlers. For the most part, the law related to preschoolers with disabilities is the same as the law for K-12 students (e.g., FAPE, legal protections, and least restrictive environment [LRE]). However, how the LRE is implemented may look a little different as it is more difficult to comply with for preschoolers than school-age children. So, the LRE may be implemented in different ways such as serving some children in childcare settings, classrooms designed for mainly students with disabilities  a peer may be brought in to work with the student, or a blended program is created.

Read this document that summarizes the critical differences between ECSE (Part B) and EI (Part C). se-fs-keyfeaturesofpartbandpartc.pdf 


Download se-fs-keyfeaturesofpartbandpartc.pdf

Programs in ECSE

ECSE programs (for 3-5 year olds) look like high quality preschools. ECSE programs use similar routines to early childhood education (ECE) programs including such activities as morning circle, small group time, choice time, gross motor activities, reading books, listening to music, and a snack time. But, there are differences. These include (a) LOTS of additional supports, (b) involvement of additional services such as SLP, OT, PT, behavior specialists, autism specialists, vision specialists, etc., that are usually provided in the classroom, and (c) interventions that are embedded into daily routines and activities. 

Four main considerations related to these programs.

  1. Embedded learning: A major method used in ECSE programs is embedded learning opportunities.In this approach, teachers look and plan ways to systematically embed instructional interactions that focus on the child’s IEP goals in the context of a naturally occurring classroom activity. Here is a link to a video about the activity matrix and how it can be used in the classroom (Links to an external site.).
  2. Program focus: ECSE programs place a heavy emphasis on developing:
    • Language and communication
    • Social development
    • Emotional development
  3. Academics: Similar to any school-based program, there is an emphasis on academics including:
    • Science and Social studies
    • Math
    • Emergent literacy – vocabulary, phonemic awareness, book handling skills
  4. Extensive use of visual supports: A good supportive program will make use of visuals to help young children navigate the day (e.g., visual schedule; see bottom of page 487 and 488 about Preschool activity schedules) and provide strategies to cope with different situations (e.g., pictures for calming strategies, class rules).


Write 4-8 sentences in response to these questions: (a) Why do you think it is important to use embedded learning opportunities in ECSE programs (hint: see p. 484 in your textbook), and (b) what are 1-2 simple examples?Some students reached out to me saying that they do not have access to the online textbook this week/it is not working this week. So here’s a PDF with the content about embedded learning 


Download So here’s a PDF with the content about embedded learningusing screenshots from your textbook. I apologize for the blurry text – hopefully you will all have access to the textbook again soon! 

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Health Science Capstone

The agency I chose is Atrium Health. The topic I chose is affordable medications for underinsured and low income families.

provide the agency or institution profile and background (i.e., type of organization, historical information, information about growth, current or past initiatives, etc.). Identify the need or opportunity within the organization and describe its impact on the organization, its purpose and target population, and its impacts on the greater healthcare environment, if any. How do you plan on addressing this need or opportunity? What is your initiative? Describe the policy or guideline you identified on the Health.gov website and how this information will impact your project. 

draft of Evidence

discuss at least five peer-reviewed journal articles supporting the healthcare need or opportunity identified for this project and development of the initiative. 

Begin by creating your ECLIPSE statement: expectation, client group, location, impact, professionals involved, and service. This framework is useful for a project related to health policy and management issues. Expectation encourages reflection on what information is needed for improvement, innovation, or knowledge. Impact looks at what you would like to achieve, for example, team communication improvements. ï‚· Identify key search terms. ï‚· Identify search databases (Medline, PubMed, etc.). ï‚· Search and review articles that support your need or opportunity and initiative development. ï‚· Synthesize the information in these articles to support your project. Synthesis is about concisely summarizing and linking different sources in order to review the literature on a topic, make recommendations, and connect your project idea to the research. 

Draft of Implementation Plan

the target area or intended population to be served and identify problems and at least one innovative solution and how it will be implemented. 

Draft of Evaluation Plan

indicate the specific goals and milestones of implementation. Identify how quality measures and strategies will be used to indicate whether the solution is effective. Specify your data collection method and how data will be analyzed. Keep in mind that data will be recorded using Excel. This section should be at least three to four slides.

Draft of Communication and Management Plan

identify strategies and practices to ensure stakeholder involvement and support for the project. Discuss models, theories, and/or methods to support the change management, and specify details that address the post-implementation communication process. This section should be at least three to four slides. 

I need a power point slide with references

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Important info review

Question 1: Based on Figure 13.3 in your textbook 


Download Figure 13.3 in your textbook, “Questions that can help teachers identify students who may be gifted and talented,” identify 1 question from the list that aligns with your preconceptions/current understanding of characteristics that may suggest a student is a gifted learner and explain why. Then, identify 1 question from the list that differs from your preconceptions or surprised you and explain why. For example, you may not have expected that daydreaming can sometimes be a sign of a gifted learner (and explain why). 

Question 2: On page 443, your textbook discusses “Multicultural Assessment and Identification 


Download On page 443, your textbook discusses “Multicultural Assessment and Identification.” What are some best practices for circumventing this problem

 4 paragraphs required

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PBL assignment

To learn more about the critical components of PBL, watch this helpful 6-min video:


Watch one of the videos below that shows an example of problem-based learning (the first is with elementary students and the second video is older students). Or, you may search online for a different example of problem-based learning that aligns with your specific interests. Either is fine. 

Use the information from your textbook and your selected PBL example (either video 1 below, video 2 below, or an example you find online) to write a 2-paragraph response that clearly explains WHY this is a problem-based learning experience for gifted and talented students. Make sure you connect to critical components of PBL (e.g., ill-defined problem) and provide evidence from the lesson plan/video (e.g., The unit is centered around the question “how can we sustainably feed 9 billion humans? which can be answered in many different ways…).

If you find your own example of PBL online, please include a link to the lesson plan/unit or video. 

Video 1:

Video 2:


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research assignment

100 points:Using your textbook, locate 4 evidence-based interventions. Each intervention/practice must connect to 1 high-leverage practice within each category (the 4 categories are outlined in the Word document and in the pdf below; they are collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral, and instruction). We learned about these HLPs and the 4 categories back in week one of the course. For each intervention, you will summarize the intervention using the table supplied below. Due: 12/16/20, 11.59 pm 

Resources to help you: Here is the article you read back in week one: High Leverage Practices.pdf 


Download High Leverage Practices.pdfHere is the assignment you completed back in week one: High-Leverage Practices & Evidence Based Interventions (Part 1)

Project description:

  1. Using your textbook – identify an evidence-based intervention that connects to each of 4 High-Leverage Practices (one HLP selected within each category). Note, you may consider any intervention in your textbook to be evidence-based, unless the textbook states that the strategy is NOT evidence-based. In other words, just be cautious, and reach out to me if you are unsure.
  2. For each intervention, complete the tables found in this document (further instructions are provided on document): Research based final assignment.docx 

    Download Research based final assignment.docx

  3. Submit completed tables (one document).

Grading: see rubric on p. 4 of syllabus, or see Canvas rubric below.

*Helpful tip* You may find it “easy” to find an intervention that fits under the categories of social/emotional/behavioral and instruction. However, it may be more challenging for the categories of collaboration and assessment. For collaboration and assessment, seek evidence-based practices that connect to these HLP categories in some way (these may feel like more of a “stretch” to you but you can be creative with it and explain your reasoning). For a quick example, if you found a practice that involved the family of the student in some way, that may connect to Collaboration HLP 3: Collaborate with families to support student learning and secure needed services. Reach out if you have any questions! 

View Rubric


Content of response. The content in the assignment is thorough, complete and accurate and addresses all required parts listed in the Word doc. The content reflects a deep understanding of the material.

view longer description

/ 65 pts

Connections to textbook reading

view longer description

/ 10 pts

Style & professionalism: The entry is written in an appropriate, professional manner. There are few grammatical and spelling errors.

view longer description

/ 20 pts

Product creativity: The product reflects the assignment guidelines in a thorough way.

view longer description

/ 5 pts

Total Points: 0

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annotated bibliography

Using Google scholar



Students enrolled in 7300 (graduate students) will submit an annotated bibliography that provides an in-depth look at four research-based articles that is worth 50 points. This assignment is due by 12/17/21. You may submit it earlier than the 17th.

Project Description:

First, identify a topic that is connected to special education that interests you (example: instructional strategies or interventions for elementary students with autism). If you are unsure about your topic, email me for approval or to discuss. Next, see if you can find four research-based articles about this topic that have been published between 2000-2020 (see below for tips on finding articles via the Mizzou Library website). If you are struggling to find articles, send me an email, and I can help (your topic might be too narrow, or you may need to try different “search” words, etc.)

Write an annotated bibliography for each of the 4 articles. For each summary, please include the reference (APA format (Links to an external site.)) and a summary of the article/intervention. In your summary of each article/intervention make sure you:

  • describe the instructional strategy/intervention
  • describe the purpose of the instructional strategy/intervention, how it works, who it is for and what it is supposed to help with
  • summarize the results of the study (e.g., did it help, not help)

If you are interested in a topic that is not specific to instructional strategies/interventions but still connects to special education, that’s fine–just send me an email first for me to approve it before you start writing!

Each bibliography for each article should be 2-3 paragraphs long and no longer than 1 page (single-spaced).

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Twice exceptional learners

Many students can be “twice exceptional” – that is they are gifted and have a disability (e.g., learning disability, ADHD, ASD, EBD and so on). These students may be in need of additional supports and services, but unfortunately, they are often overlooked and misunderstood. Twice exceptional children do encounter several difficulties and challenges. One contributing factor to these experiences is a lack of knowledge and understanding about twice-exceptional students. Below are two articles providing great information about who these learners are, their strengths and challenges, and instructional strategies to use with this type of learner.Read 1 (or both) of the articles below and then complete the assignment:

Baldwin 2015 gifted and LD.pdf 

Download Baldwin 2015 gifted and LD.pdf

Mary-Ruth-Coleman-article twice except.pdf 

Download Mary-Ruth-Coleman-article twice except.pdf

Assignment:Using information from the above articles, your textbook, and Lizzie Thomas’s video presentation, complete this graphic organizer with information (please use full sentences) that you could give teachers to help them understand and work with students who are twice exceptional: Twice exceptional graphic organizer.docx 


Download Twice exceptional graphic organizer.docx

a. what/who is a twice exceptional learner b. challenges encountered by twice exceptional learners c. strengths of twice exceptional learners d. instructional strategies and accommodations for twice exceptional learners

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week 6 discussion

Read this blog post (Links to an external site.) from the American Mathematical Society by Baldinger et al. about the possible connections between university abstract algebra and school algebra:

https://blogs.ams.org/matheducation/2015/12/10/connections-between-abstract-algebra-and-high-school-algebra-a-few-connections-worth-exploring/ (Links to an external site.)


Then make a post that addresses at least one of the following prompts:

  1. What concerns or criticisms do you have with the three examples shared in the blog post?
  2. Do you have additional examples of links between abstract algebra and school algebra?
  3. Imagine that you are an undergraduate student who intends to become a secondary math teacher. In what ways might a university abstract algebra course be taught such that it is unhelpful or in what ways could it be taught so that it is helpful


two to three paragraphs

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week 6 discussion

Read this blog post (Links to an external site.) from the American Mathematical Society by Baldinger et al. about the possible connections between university abstract algebra and school algebra:

https://blogs.ams.org/matheducation/2015/12/10/connections-between-abstract-algebra-and-high-school-algebra-a-few-connections-worth-exploring/ (Links to an external site.)


Then make a post that addresses at least one of the following prompts:

  1. What concerns or criticisms do you have with the three examples shared in the blog post?
  2. Do you have additional examples of links between abstract algebra and school algebra?
  3. Imagine that you are an undergraduate student who intends to become a secondary math teacher. In what ways might a university abstract algebra course be taught such that it is unhelpful or in what ways could it be taught so that it is helpful


two to three paragraphs

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