Article writing homework help

Submission Type: Text Entry (500-word essay)
Write a subjective review of the performance using some of the following prompts.
Describe the movement.
Did the movements remind you of any of the dances you have studied in this course?
What theatrical production elements did you notice enhanced the performance? (Costumes, set design, props, lighting)
What do you believe is the intention or purpose of this work?
What did you think of the performance? What elements did you enjoy?
What was striking, thought-provoking, or interesting about the performance?
What was your overall takeaway from this concert dance performance?
Note: This 500-word essay should be written subjectively, offering your personal opinions about the performance. If you pull in any outside research to support your personal statements (not necessary but welcomed), please be sure to cite your sources at the end, or within the essay if quoting a direct source. Article writing homework help.


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Download and complete the Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment Survey.  When completing this survey, remember that there are no right or wrong answers, and you should be as honest as possible. Once you have completed the survey, score the results using the scale found on the last page. You will need the score to respond to the following in your initial discussion post:

  1. How did you score? Does that score indicate you have the traits of an entrepreneur or not?
  2. Are you surprised by the score? Does it reflect how you see yourself?
  3. Regardless of your survey score, imagine that you started a business. What would it be? What would it sell and how large would you want it to grow?
  4. Which of these legal forms of business is best suited to your imagined business? Explain why. English homework help.
    • Sole proprietorship
    • Partnership
    • C Corporation
    • S Corporation

How to Do Well in Discussions

  • Make your initial post responding to the above questions by Saturday, and comment on at least three of your classmates’ posts by Tuesday. Posting late may lose you points.
  • Respond to the specific questions posed in the discussion.
  • Be sure to base your initial post and responses on course materials, using 7th ed. APA citations in every post.
  • If you post your responses over three days and you respond to more than three students, you will receive full credit for the frequency of participation.
  • Include citations for your sources in 7th ed. APA format or you lose points.
  • Write clearly and proofread; errors can lose you points.
  • Quality of posts, citations, frequency, and timeliness of posts all factor into your discussion grade. See the Participation Grading Rubric for details. English homework help.


English homework help

Download and complete the Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment Survey.  When completing this survey, remember that there are no right or wrong answers, and you should be as honest as possible. Once you have completed the survey, score the results using the scale found on the last page. You will need the score to respond to the following in your initial discussion post:

  1. How did you score? Does that score indicate you have the traits of an entrepreneur or not?
  2. Are you surprised by the score? Does it reflect how you see yourself?
  3. Regardless of your survey score, imagine that you started a business. What would it be? What would it sell and how large would you want it to grow?
  4. Which of these legal forms of business is best suited to your imagined business? Explain why. English homework help.
    • Sole proprietorship
    • Partnership
    • C Corporation
    • S Corporation

How to Do Well in Discussions

  • Make your initial post responding to the above questions by Saturday, and comment on at least three of your classmates’ posts by Tuesday. Posting late may lose you points.
  • Respond to the specific questions posed in the discussion.
  • Be sure to base your initial post and responses on course materials, using 7th ed. APA citations in every post.
  • If you post your responses over three days and you respond to more than three students, you will receive full credit for the frequency of participation.
  • Include citations for your sources in 7th ed. APA format or you lose points.
  • Write clearly and proofread; errors can lose you points.
  • Quality of posts, citations, frequency, and timeliness of posts all factor into your discussion grade. See the Participation Grading Rubric for details. English homework help.



Article writing homework help

 Part 1:

  1. Re-Read/Review Insider Example: Student Memorandum – page 315-316.  Miller-Cochran, S. K., Stamper, R., & Cochran, S. (2019). An insider’s guide to academic writing: A rhetoric and reader. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, Macmillan.
  2. Using this as a model, write your own memorandum.
  3. It may be on the same topic or something different. Be sure to have read the annotations on the side of the Memo for ideas on formatting your own. You do not have to “copy” the format of the student memo, but be intentional about making it organized and easy to follow for your reader.
  4. One page. Single spaced. Font 11-12. References not required, but if used, determine whether MLA or APA is appropriate.
  5. Have fun with this. Perhaps you are a superhero writing to your arch enemy. Maybe you are writing to your rich uncle asking for financial support. Maybe you are proposing to that special someone. Article writing homework help.


English homework help

 Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:
Reflection is important to the process of writing research-supported arguments. Particularly when writing persuasive arguments, we should reflect on our experiences and how to bring those to life for our reader.
In your post, as you reflect on your own experiences in this class, describe how you will use research in your professional or personal writing going forward. English homework help.

  • What have you learned that you can apply at work or in your personal writing?
  • How might incorporating research help to strengthen your arguments personally and/or professionally?

Tips for Completing Your Post

  • Consider the most recent time you made an argument in writing. Perhaps you wrote an e-mail to a supervisor or colleague at work in which you had to persuade them to take a particular course of action. Maybe you commented on a news article posted online.
  • How could you use research in these types of writing activities in the future to strengthen your argument and drive your point home for your reader? English homework help.

Reading and Learning Materials
Use the following resource to help you complete this assignment:

  • Using Evidence to Prove Your Point in Business Writing

English homework help

Selecting statistical measures can be challenging because each situation may be different. As you review your learning resources this week, you will become familiar with several statistical measures such as measures of central location, variability, standard deviation, box plots and much more.
For this Assignment, revisit the journal article from last week.

The Assignment (1–2 pages)
  • Summarize the major results of the study
  • Describe the information presented in tables and/or graphs
  • Briefly summarize the major conclusions of the study . English homework help.


Selecting statistical measures can be challenging because each situation may be different. As you review your learning resources this week, you will become familiar with several statistical measures such as measures of central location, variability, standard deviation, box plots and much more.
For this Assignment, revisit the journal article from last week.

The Assignment (1–2 pages)
  • Summarize the major results of the study
  • Describe the information presented in tables and/or graphs
  • Briefly summarize the major conclusions of the study . English homework help.

English homework help

Read and/or listen to Chapters 18-24 of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. What do you think is the theme or universal message of the novel? How does the ending of the novel fit into your understanding of the theme? Select a passage that supports your argument.
Begin your post by properly quoting and citing the passage. Then, write a 300-word discussion on the information conveyed in the passage you selected, pointing to specific words or lines from the passage.  End your post with a full MLA citation of the text. English homework help.

Article writing homework help

Essay 2: Global Finance and Free Trade—Limits and Possibilities
Considering the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a quality 6–7 pg. research paper on the logic, rationale, and effectiveness of Global Economic Governance in accordance with the following prompts, answering in a separate or integrated manner as you wish.
 Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, explain at least 3reasons for the authority and legitimacy of the IMF and World Bank?  Article writing homework help.
According to their defenders, what is their stated role and rationale?
 In reverse, mention at least 3criticisms of these institutions. Is there a particularly Christian approach to international finance or micro-finance, or might Christians split left to right on this issue? Explain.
Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, discuss the pros and cons of the free trade regime established after WWII. Most Western economists defend free trade as a religious mantra, believing it a partial remedy for the ills of inequality between peoples, states, and regions like the North-South divide for example. Many Christians endorse free trade as one of the only ways to reconcile capitalism, freedom, and Christian faith. Providing 3pros and 3cons, offer a more balanced view of free trade. Article writing homework help.

English homework help

Appeals are rhetorical devices used to help persuade an audience. Appeals do not necessarily make an argument credible; however, they can make the argument more relatable or believable. The appeals listed below can strengthen an argument when used correctly and in proper moderation, but can cheapen a rhetorical work if misused or overused.
Socratic Appeals:
Ethos–offers the audience evidence that he or she is credible. The communicator attempts to prove that he or she is well-informed about the topic at hand and that he or she is a good person with the audience’s best interests in mind. This type
of appeal may use testimonials, specialists, or God as support for his or her work.
Logos–offers the audience clear, reasonable ideas developed through reasoning and logic. This type of appeal may use reasoned examples, details and/or statistics.
Pathos–draws on the audience’s emotions so they will be sympathetic to the communicator’s ideas.  English homework help.
General Appeals (that fall under the umbrella of ethos, logos or pathos):
Altruism--appeals to an audience’s sense of goodness or morality.
Anger–appeals to an audience’s sense of anger, outrage or hate.
Fear–appeals to an audience’s fears or anxieties.
Flag-waving or patriotic–appeals to an audience’s sense of patriotism.
Intelligence–appeals to an audience’s reasoning or wisdom.
Plain Folk–appeals to the experiences of the common man.
Snob–appeals to an audience’s taste for the finer, and usually unobtainable, things in life.
Find at least one example of each of the 10 appeals listed above from the images on the internet; examples can be in the form of words and/or images. Create a PowerPoint or Google slides with the example(s) of each of the appeals and provide a brief explanation of how the words and/or images embody that appeal. English homework help.


English homework help

Topic: Severe Winter Weather in Texas Will Impact Many Supply Chains beyond Chips
The harsh weather in Texas, mainly during winter, has that there is an electrical crisis, and this has exacerbated the supply chain in many industries. It has been a very hit, especially to the auto industry, facing other issues such as semi-conductors shortage. The geographic locations had a lot of intermodal freight, and this passed through Texas, and in most cases, it would impact other sectors as well.
Texas storms’ economic impact could reportedly approach $50 billion
Winter weather can bring economic impact to go very low. It is therefore essential that there should time to put all those numbers in perspective and making sure that they have covered those impacts, especially which has happened in the entire year of 2020.
English homework help.
Essay requirements:
Taking a national issue/news topic and write an article that makes it relevant to a local audience
As with every assignment, the topic you focus on here should be newsworthy and include the following:
500-700 words
A clear angle
An engaging lead
Distinct structure (Inverted pyramid; ideas flow logically from one to the next)
AP style
At least 2-3 clearly attributed sources (could be any combo of interviews, legitimate internet/database resources, official documents, studies, etc., but must be AT LEAST one interview)
The assignment will be graded based on the criteria above as well as your overall voice, tone and writing style.
Essay explantation:
Hi there! As we’ve discussed in class, localization is taking a national or global story and narrowing it through the lens of your own community — showing your local audience why the story has relevance where you live.
it could be how a national debate about remote vs. in-person school is playing out in your area or how a national election is having an effect on your town. During national protests over police brutality in the US last year summer, many local outlets covered protests/movements in their own areas or police reforms their local police departments were considering.  English homework help.
Community which I choose is I live in Denver, Denver’s local audience. English homework help.